alaskan thunder fuck lighting

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dalulz, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. I use to have a dealer that said since ATF are from Alaska, lighting is optional. Is that true?
  2. #2 DankSeeker, Apr 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2011
    Really? lmao

    I know some peeps say it can knock the lights out, but it still needs as much light as any other strain.

  3. Northen Lights is prob from up there too!!
    So it wouldnt need any light either right?..

    How many plants do you know that can survive without sunlight, or some type of artificial light.

  4. Not to hate on your dealer, but it sounds like he must have been the middle man if he believes that :p Gotta have light for mj strains..:hello:

  5. here's a helpful quote about the Alaskan Thunder fuck.


    yeah the second part is abit of overkill, but not if you're into history on a strain.
  6. Have never found anything as good as the original! Good history. 40 year resident of Alaska.
  7. Alaskan thunder fuck... Really?

  8. yep, it's a legit strain. originally named Matinuska Thunder fuck though :cool:
  9. Well I'll be damned...

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