airpot bed

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by crimsonecho, Jan 31, 2023.

  1. so i had these 4 8L airpots i use in one of my 2x2s. i decided i dont want to use them anymore because i wanted to lower my plant count and grow bigger plants instead. i was thinking of buying bigger plastic pots like i have in my 4x4 (74L) but then i was struck by an idea. i tried it and it looks like this might work.

    i just screwed together 3 of those 8L airpots sitting in a 60x60 tray. filled it with reused organic mix (all coco), added perlite, basalt, ewc, manure, bat guano, a bit of hydroton and wheat bran and mulched it with hay. i also lined the bottom with stems from old plants just to fill some space.

    i think it holds about 55L of medium which is nice enough for big plants and water only grows. i transplanted a clone of caribe i had in my mother tent. its under a 3000K diy cob rig pulling about 130w from the wall.

    anyway here it is and lets see how it goes.

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  2. I've never seen a square Flexi pot before, it would be nice to see the rootball

    congrats, now where's the water >>>?
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  3. I've never used those pots before but I like what you did .
    I moved from pots to bigger beds to reduce number of plants , imo it works for the better, when inside growing .
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  4. I've never used those pots before but I like what you did .
    I moved from pots to bigger beds to reduce number of plants , imo it works for the better, when inside growing .
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  5. yeah me neither but seems like when you screw 3 circular ones together they make a square. wish the company also made a bottom for these as this is just sitting in the tray atm but i’m guessing it’ll be ok like this.

    yeah its just an idea i hope it works well. and i agree on beds or bigger pots. for my 4x4 i went with 4x74L big plastic pots and its so much easier and the end result is so much better than smaller smartpots i was using before. just running 4 plants at a time in there now but they grow so much better.
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  6. Ok great you got one idea done. You should make a new post . Help what is wrong with this plant ? You have a few things you need to improve on.
  7. haha thanks for the suggestion but i am fine over here man. see you in a couple of weeks.
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  8. see you in a few weeks in a good way not asking for help lmao. Really best of luck nice set up
  9. i am not against asking for help btw if people dont ask for help they will not learn but also i am not a newbie either i have been gardening over 25yrs eversince i was a kid and been growing cannabis indoors over 6yrs this caribe i have been growing from the same clone for over 3yrs now so yeah i think it’ll be fine. but please if you see anything you want to say feel free to do so. this is not a hostile place.
  10. Yeah i see some stress on the leaves . I want to see a closer pic There are really two issues
    . Also did this plant always have three fingers ?
  11. i keep my plants in the mother tent for months and months in small nursery pots and they are super stressed and neglected and yellow. i dont mind so dont worry about it too much it’ll find itself in this big pot and if you look at the new growth you can actually see 5+ fingered new growth coming in. as i said give it a week or two, i do.
  12. I've got a few questions. You've grown for 25 years. Have you always used coco as your base for your organic medium? If so how do you deal with the deficiencies of K,Ca and Mg it causes in flower when running it in an organic medium. My second question is how do you handle the water running out of the holes and the fungus gnats entering every single hole. I have grown in the air pots and no longer use them for the reasons I questioned above. I'd consider using them again if you had solutions for the watering and gnat issues. Either way, good luck with your grow. I'll be watching and learning along the way.
  13. i havent grown cannabis for 25 years. it was mostly gardening with my old landlord when i was a kid growing flowers veggies tomatoes and similar stuff and spending my summers with my farmer grandparents on their village and growing beans corn greens and stuff along with fruit trees. i only have my personal garden for the last 15 where i grow tomatoes cucumbers peppers greens etc. cannabis is not so different from those plants so all that experience is transferable ime.

    anyway outdoors it was always just soil no peat or coco. indoors i started with peat and just very recently switched to coco base. this is actually my second run with it. yeah i get some yellowing during the second half of flowering but i used to get that with peat too so i dont mind. still my end result more than satisfies me in quality and quantity and i see my roots are much more healthier than peat. in general i dont see calcium def by the way or K. mostly i find them lacking in magnesium which is solved by application of epsom salts here and there.

    yeah i hated the water runoff with the airpots too. thats one of the reasons i hate smartpots also but when i screw 3 of them together and make a big tub i can just keep my watering away from an inch of the rim, i dont see any runoff. also mulching helps prevent the water from pooling up and because its coco it doesnt go hydrophobic like peat and all that helps with the runoff from the sides.

    for fungus gnats i have my indoor ewc bin and i have naturally growing hypoaspis population in the bin and i dont add anything into the bin without freezing and i always reuse my medium so no new medium to introduce eggs, i dont suck in fresh air from outside either so again all those steps helps with fungus gnats and other pests. i havent seen a single gnat for like the last 3-4 years.
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  14. Here's something I have done in my little 2x2 tents. I gained about 12" more usable space inside the tent.

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  15. it looks nice but i am way too set up in there right now with the airpot bed haha. but is a nice idea to gain a couple of inches and lets be honest who would turn down a couple of inches lol

    and for the plant here it is

    first week was all transplant shock because when i was transplanting i cut off about 2/3 of the root mass. so in the first week about half of the plant died off or got pruned. all leaves were yellowing or brown/bronze and crispy.

    i just let it ride it out with the lights pulled way above and in the last 3-4 days i am seeing very healthy new growth. so i lowered the lights and cleaned off all the lower growth.

    also still havent watered since the transplant and i feel the roots almost at the edges now. so i am guessing this gal will be flipped in a week or 10 days.

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  16. topdressed with a little malted barley watered with some spirulina and flipped it today
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  17. thanks. not as uniform canopy height-wise as i like it to be but i am still bending and pinching off lower growth until budset so it’ll get better.
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  18. did some defol and stripped some lower growth. so far so good.

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  19. You did a really nice job of filling your tent. Your plant looks really healthy too.
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  20. thanks man that reminds me i should topdress soon or we will start seeing extreme yellowing in a couple of weeks and it will not look so healthy then haha
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