air flow on veg

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by GreenCookie, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Dear GC,
    First of all merry Christmas to everyone!

    I am seeking information about the air flow needed for seedlings on veg, in terms of oxigen + co2.
    Does a seedling need constant airflow, or a temporary co2 supply will do the trick?

    Best wishes!
  2. What are you growing in? A high powered inline fan will have renew the air. Direct airflow to the plants (air hitting plants) provided by oscillating fans, is important. Co2 is not needed, and a waste of money unless you have a large grow going.
  3. Not much airflow at all as a seedling. That's why you see many people using humidity domes for beginning growth.

  4. Thanks for replying GanjaGremlin!

    Do these domes you mentioned have holes for airflow?
    I am curious to see how much Co2 does a plant need.
    For example, human breaths to get oxygen to burn. when a human does not have enough oxygen in the air, he starts feeling dizzy and can even die.
    How does that apply to plants?
    Also do you know the amounts of co2 needed by a plant for proper functionality?

    Best regards,
  5. #5 jetski, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    plants respire day and night so its important to have a fan directed at them 100% of the time. it doesn't have to be blasting them, just as long as it moves spent air away from the leaves and replaces it with fresh. co2 is in an extremely low % in the air and plants get along just fine on this. adding more co2 can greatly speed up the metabolism in older/bigger plants but only if everything else is spot on. it's no good adding co2 if you have a low light garden, or if the roots aren't getting an adequate amount of oxygen etc...

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