Ahhhh its so hot

Discussion in 'General' started by BlazinBlunts420, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. this heat outside

    this atmoic fireball im eating (candy)

    this heat....
  2. this thread.....

    does it have a point?
  3. not really but im bored

    and it made you post so i win :D
  4. It's gross out.

    It wouldn't be so bad if it was just heat, but that humidity makes me want to die.

    Plus, I'm still wicked hungover and had spend most of my shift at work outside.
  5. triple sessions of football made my day great actually
    after last practice right to my room had a j waiting for me
  6. glad we got air conditioning :wave:
  7. No shit, eh?
  8. mines broke got a repair man comming out next week
  9. I know this sounds crazy but-

    I like to go for a run when its hot, because once your done you feel so soo cool. Its tricking your body- you get your core temp up and then the air temp feels cool.

    Just my advice.

    A/C just makes it worse...... and over-used now-a-days. Just about everyone in RI has one, and if the temp goes over 85 everyone has theirs cranking..... Its not the fucking desert people....
  10. I hate Vancouver weather :( It's either ridiculously hot out or raining, no exceptions.

    And do you know the name for that Cheebaa? I heard it once before but I forget. Not just the running thing, like fasting for a day and ordering your favorite food, staying up for 3 days and feeling close to euphoria when your head touches the pillow etc.
  11. it means my plants are going to produce something. thats what it means

  12. whenever i run when its hot out, while i'm running it doesnt feel that hot, but then when i stop its like my body just dumps heat out of my skin i can feel it like steam coming out of my pours... its intense

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