aha funniest stoned out drive thu incident

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by permastoned420, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. today i was with some homies high as shit after smoking a nice blunt of green Buddha and we got some MAD munchies since we saw a taco bell commercial. we decided to go to t.bell and the lady goes "what can i get you?" i ordered the "nacho crunch burrito" the lady then goes "okay i have one nacho crunch burrito, that it?" then my high ass friend in the back seat goes.
    "wait, if its not yo crunch burrito, then who's burrito is it?" (imitating the "nacho cheese" joke.) we were laughing our asses of for like 10 minutes holding back the line ion the drive thre. funniest shit ever! :smoking:
  2. man permastoned that some funny shit man every time i go through t bueno after smokin the mexican lady there really funny and i never understand her its really weird but i just repeat 2 burritoes about 4 times and they get it right
  3. me and my boy back right after high school days would toke up on friday nights and then head to wendy's for our munchies. So this chick that we knew worked there and she was like way crazy and shit, so anyway, we would just be crackin the fuck up in the drivethru speaker and then when we'd come around to the window the chick would be like, aww its so cool that you two hang out together. It just would make us crack up even harder in her face!
  4. I can never understand the people at Chipolte when I'm stoned so I have just memorized what they ask. =/
  5. :devious:

    wow then we go to the same BUENO cuz this shit happens all the time lmao...

    i repeat my shit 4 times....they gimme a total and it be on point!
  6. Someday I'm going to drive through a drivethru in reverse. So the passenger gets to order lol. My cousin did this once for shits and giggles.
  7. This summer me and my friends went through a Jack in the Box drive threw hell of stoned and after I made my order my friend makes his and it goes like this.

    friend 1: can I add a separate order please?
    employee: yes, hold on...OK I'm ready.
    friend 1: can I get...99 tacos for 2 cents?
    employee: will that be all?
    *me and my friends laughing for a good 20 seconds*
    friend 1: ya that will be all
    *I start thinking in my head, they better not expect us to pay for 99 tacos*

    friend 2: wait..actually can I make another separate order?
    employee: ya, you can make one more but we can't do another one after that
    friend 2: ok...can I get...99 tacos for 2 cents?
    employee: will that be all?
    friend 2: *while laughing* yes! (he practically yelled at her when he said this and it sounded like he had tourettes which made us laugh even more)

    We pull up to the window and both of my friends got 2 tacos for their orders.
  8. Lol,me and my friend were chillin with some other friends high outside mcdonalds,He pulls a steering wheel out of his trunk and we went through the drive through on foot with the steering wheel with a couple other friends sitting in the "back seat",haha.Shit was great.

  9. hahahaaha thats so geat

    we did that on bikes when i was younger lol they hated us at mcdonalds
  10. Bro that is some funny shit. Going through a drive-thru on LSD was a hell of an experience for me, haha.
  11. Went to Jack in the box one time ordered an ultimate cheeseburger and a milkshake. I got so excited about getting two milkshakes because they messed up my order i just drove off. Had to come back 5 minutes later to pick up my burger and fries i left there.
  12. Last weekend my boys and I got blitzed as fuck at a party and decided to head over to McDonalds for some munchies. They're all drunk and I'm the "designated driver".... high out of mind, of course.

    After a couple of my friends order, my boy goes "YO LET ME GET A MCDELISH". We start cracking up like a bunch of highyenas. The dude is like "we don't have a McDeluxe" in the weirdest voice ever. That shit makes us start cracking up even more. Then I yell out WHAT THE FUCK?? And proceed to pull up to the window. Didnt evn hear how mch it was.

    Eventually we drive up there, and my boy in the back asks for 100 cash back. He says they can't do that. (keep in mind this dude probably hated our ass by now.... his facial expression and attitude were just fuckin hilarious). Somewhere throughout the transaction, me, being blazed out of my mind, thought the dude said he cancelled the order kuz he couldn't do cash back. Or some shit. So I just drove off and all my friends are like WHAT THE FUCK WE NEED OUR FOOD. So I pulled in a parking spot and they had to walk up to the window and get their shit while I just sat in the car laughing my ass off. Fun ass night :smoking:
  13. I was just at Taco Bell completely sober in the drive thru, and after I gave the guy my money some other lady gave me my food and I was really hungry so I drove off without my change. When I realized it I went in and got my change and got some more drink, I need to start smoking all day again, I just can't function without marijuana. When you are used to doing something stoned all the time and then you do it sober you fuck it up. Like when I used to always smoke before I took a shower then when I stopped I would wash my hair and forget I washed it and wash it again two seconds later, and that happened when I was sober. :smoking:

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