Against the law?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Invisible Toker, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. #1 Invisible Toker, Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2012
    So I have a prescription written from months back. It's for a controlled substance. I was going to have some surgery, But I never did it because other Drs that I went to for a second opinion said it's not advisable. Would it be illegal to fill this prescription? My friend is pestering me about it. Just wondering what you all think on this matter?
  2. I'd generally advise you against it. I'm not well-versed on how they date scripts these days, or the time before expiration in regards to a paper script. I know that I've gotten RX's written that have a certain number of refills available before "so and so" date.

    Always better safe, than sorry though. When in doubt, don't fuckin' do it. Haha!
  3. I haven't looked into the laws around this.I'm not sure if its legal or not.I am sure if you tried filling a 1 month old presciption they are going to check the date and tell you its not going to happen.Or they may call your doctor.

    Your doctor may then flag you for trying to fill an old prescription.Not sure at all on any of this.Search around the internet alittle.You will get far better results researching something rather than waiting for the correct person to come tell you with accuracy of said question.
  4. It's very illegal.

    Narcotics scripts are valid for at most 30 days. It varies slightly in some states

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