
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by DrazyHaze, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Im reposting this because the religion forum doesnt get enough traffic and the box does and i want opinions on this.

    Mods: delete the thread in spirituality section

    I've been doing a lot of research and investigation into the afterlife and NDEs and it's really fascinating me.

    Majority of people that describe their NDEs share lots of common ground

    Out of body visualizations, life flashing before them(life review), able to see future events, describe a beautiful light thats endless knowledge and love.

    And so much more

    I can't help but wonder if the plane we are in contains duality because its a world that creates a learning experience.

    I believe that when we encounter death our physical bodies which are only made to house your soul while you adventure the 3rd dimension, but upon death you leave this body and are encased into a spiritual body or celestial body that houses you again, in which you can possibly keep ascending to different levels.

    After looking into this heavily I can't help but think that time is pre determined. Our destiny is already decided and we are simply along for the ride to learn from the experience.

    There is a much greater reason for why we incarnate physical bodies and why we see duality in our universe, and we are truely infinite spiritual beings of light and we contain infinite knowledge but from birth we are trained to be shallow, dumb, and followers instead of leaders and upon death we are reunited with this infinite knowledge thats connected to our conscious.

    What are your guys's thoughts?
  2. hmm, I don't over think this or fixate on it too much.

    However,... I'm pretty sure that what keeps you consciously alive here is capable of switching you off and turning on to be conscious some where else.

    It's pretty weird to think that you wouldn't exist right?
    If that makes sense.
  3. Check out a book called 'Saved by the light.'
  4. There was this one time when i almost drowned, it was really surreal. The sea water didn't burn my eyes, i saw clearly underwater (which has never happened before) and even though my body was struggling, my mind was calm; almost detached even. The thought of "I should call for help" was merely a calm observation. Nothing to out of the ordinary in my case:confused_2:

    Though I did have an out of body experience when i was younger while thinking on the concept of nothing, where felt/knew that the infinite knowledge/answers is inside of each of us.
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  5. Indeed indeed

    I wonder if the thought of thinking about not existing is so tough is because our subconscious knows that its something that will never happen so it creates an uneasy feeling for us.

    Interesting stuff
  6. I think this is why tribal people who have pretty much no connection to the "modern world" and all its influence are much more connected to their spirituality
  7. I too believe in the duality of this universe and that our physical bodies reside in this dimension and reincarnation occurs until we advance ourselves into more peaceful dimensions, full of love and harmony which are attainable through karma.
  8. I'm pretty sure the light at the end of the tunnel, is just you coming out of another vagina
  9. My experience consisted of me going through all these tunnels really fast at hyperspeed and my loved ones being shown to me and then fading away, at the time I had remembered doing this an infinite times before. Then I arrived at a dome room where everything went slow motion and I was floating towards this featureless figure who was god but was also me I was god and the only one that existed. I got the impression I was supposed to stay and almost did but got this really bad feeling that I didn't want to stay like something really bad would happen if I did probably extreme loneliness, at this point my eyes opened and I rejoined "reality". This experience forced me to get in to Kashmir Shivaism Hinduism.
  10. I love reading about near death experiences. I've gotten a lot of enlightenment and comfort from the things people have learned from them.

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