After Germination.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by 3y3sand3ars, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. I have successfully germinated my seed and transferred to a plastic cup with soil. I am growing outdoors so should I put it out side or on the window sill. Or should I just leave it be. Also when should i expect a sprout to appear.
  2. Was wondering this too, right after germination, then many hours of sunlight will the seedling require?
  3. I'm not an advanced grower but people have told me that light is not nessasary until the plant sprouts. When it does I put mine on for 24/0, people say to do this for the first week or so. Sprouts can appear around 2-4 days I'm pretty sure. At least mine took about 3-4 days...

  4. Really?

    Thanks for help, figured they would need light, and im growing outdoors :cool:

  5. It says sprouts require 18 hours of sunlight :0

    That seems hard to achieve via outdoors.
  6. Where did it say that? And does it apply to new sprouts to? Haha my lights have been on for like two or three days now. But that's only how long ago they sprouted.
  7. I too am wondering about this as I have 3 sprouts about 2 days old right now in plastic cups. I think i'm just gonna leave them in their plastic cups and bring em out every morning while at night putting them under a light. I'm gonna do that until they are big enough where I can leave em outside without em dying. As far as i'm concerned they don't absolutely Need 18 - 24 hours of sunlight as they are plants that naturally grow outside with sometimes inconsistent sunlighting conditions. But until I get to that point we'll see what happens haha.
  8. Well, one of mine just sprouted and I have them on 18/6 for now, I only planted it about 2 days ago. From what I've read that appears to be pretty decent. My second plant however hasn't sprouted yet, I'm hoping that it's just taking a little longer and not just a bad seed.

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