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Afew questions about stems and edibles

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by 420 High Times, May 19, 2009.

  1. So I always used to throw away my stems. But then I heard about edibles with stems.

    1. How much (in weight) stems should I have to make edibles, (I only want like 3 sessions)
    2. How do I make it? Is it like a butter or do I just grind them up and sprinkle them over what ever Im making.
    3. What should I make/put them in?
    4. If the stems are just from mids is it even worth it?

    Sorry if these are noobish questoins, I dont have any expieriance in edibles
  2. Heyo,

    1. You would need a SHIT TON if you wanted to make a decent amount of edibles such as a batch of brownies. I have never personally done it, but if you used solely stems i would probably venture to say 4-6 oz?? Thats a huge guess, but I dont think I am too far off. Moral of this answer is: its just not practical; you're better off using stems as you go.
    2. You would make it the same way you always make cannabutter, you need to cook em in fats before you put the fat into food.
    3. You can use cannabutter in anything that uses butter or oil, but if you were to theoretically make stem butter, I would strongly suggest straining out the stems... eating them would blow.
    4. Yeah, with edibles its always worth it to use anything that has THC attached to it... itll diffuse whether its dank or its shit.

    Hope this helps!

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