does any one have pics of a good aeroponic system. im farmiliar with hydroponics but never saw an aeroponic one b4.
Im not too familiar with aeroponics but i plan on using it for my next grow. here are some pix: I believe this is a controversal topic, but most people agree that the finer the water, the better the root/plant growth. so obviously you can use the spray/sprinkler in the second picture which will do good, but i'd classify it as semi hydro/aero. The finer mist like the 1st and 3rd picture is completely aeroponics. As the semi hydro/aero, the roots dip into the res. which is the principle of hydroponics. Although aeroponics are somewhat a category under hydroponics, its actually a whole different topic. From the really expensive aeroponics setups and grow systems i've seen, the roots are suspended in mid air with no contact to the res while the sprayers and sprinklers actually grow into the res. Dunno if this is a reasonable observation to completely distiguish the two but its just a guess. Here is a picture that shows the difference between a fogged aeroponics system and a spraying aeroponics system: As you can clearly tell, the left root tip is more like a solid strand while the right one (the fogged one) has a hairy like appearance. This is because the little hairlike structures on the plant root can absorb smaller water molecules. I guess the plant kind of "adapts" to the fogger chamber. Back to the controversial topic: this supports the idea that the fogger has much better growth than the sprayer because there is more surface area on the root to absorb water...obviously... Anyways hope that helps. Oh and by the way...if you plan on using a fogger...its classified under ultrasonic foggers...i believe in which has water droplets smaller than 5 microbes...pretty kickass... sorry about lengthy explanation