Advice would be nice =]

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by daguyinyourtree, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. Whats up GC :wave: So, I've been smoking for a couple of years now, almost on a daily basis. Ganja has basically become a part of my life along with cheetos and hot pockets. My gf, doesnt like it that i smoke, but has been putting up with it for a while. Now, all of a sudden, she starts telling me that im wasting my time, life, and money with this shit, and that if i dont stop smoking and start reprioritising my life within six months, then no more poonani for me, ever! and during the six months, also no play! wtf??? Should i drop my beloved herb for my girl? or the other way around? My girl means everything to me though, and shes the one i want to end up with, so its a very tough decision. help!
  2. Try to convince her to meet you half way, smoke less, like a weekends rule or something like that. Try not to do it when you are around her and at least show her its not a bad thing.

    I find a weekend rule is a good thing anyhow.
  3. Well, do you really REALLY think you will end up with her?
    Are you sure you want to end up with a girl that doesn't accept you for who you are?
    And a girl that bribes you with sex?

    Are you really spending a lot of money? How's your job? How does weed affect your home life?

    Unless you are absolutely sure you will end up with her, I would go with the bud. There are plenty of ladies out there that will accept you for who you are and not try to turn you into a different person.
  4. tried that already...she told me i have to go to one extreme measure (which is not smoking at all) before we can come to a compromise... :( this sucks. if it wasnt for this, ide be :smoking: right now...
  5. Make her watch the Union and check out this other guys ideas I'm out.
  6. i know how you feel, but you could be dead next week man. dont sacrifice your happiness in the present moment for what the future might hold. i agree with the weekend rule, its less herb consumed, easier on you and your wallet. if thats not good enough for her, then i guess you'll have to make a choice between being an independent thinker or a pussy whipped lover.
  7. its not really like that, she accepts me. Most of her friends smoke too, its just that she doesnt want me to do it on a regular basis, and like ive mentioned above, wants me to go to the extreme of not smoking at all for a period, before making any sort of compromises. I have a feeling that shes just upset that since i dont have a job anymore, most of the remaining money i spent on weed instead of her. Dont get me wrong, shes not money hungry. Matter fact, she buys ME really expensive shit all the time... maybe its jelousy? lol
  8. Hmm... maybe you should stop long enough for you to get a job. Once you have a job and get a few good checks, buy her some nice stuff, then start smoking again. If she stills bitches about it then you need to drop her.
  9. maybe shes just afraid youll end up doing nothing but smoking. listen, if you dig her and shes not being unreasonable, quit for a week. it will make you look good and itll make smoking all the more enjoyable. but make it clear to her that you are a marijuana user and nothings going to change that except a decision by you.
  10. If she only wants you to stop for a little while go for it. Just like an involuntary T-break. But if it's for good then who knows. Just make her realize even though ganja is part of your life she is too.. All that soft lovey shit. You know.
  11. If toking is apart of your life, you gotta find a girl thatll deal with it or leave. I mean unless she is one of the hottest girls ever it'll work out fine.

  12. Sorry, but that's not coming to a compromise.

    Dump the bitch. She knew you smoked beforehand, she has no reason to be changing her mind now. Just tell her that if she doesn't give it up to you, you'll find it elsewhere.

    Or ask her to toke with you.
  13. You don't seem to understand.
    She threatened to take away your poonani.

    Mary Jane would never do that ;)

  14. you started out so strong and inspirational and ended with pussy whipped, I rolled on the floor laughing.
  15. Sorry, but if she wants you to change so much, go with the herb.

    I've heard so many cases like this. If you quit your girl will just find other things and try to turn you into someone your not. The relationship will fail at some point, no matter what you do.

    If you make it clear to her you will only smoke on weekends, but no less, and she's still pissed, gtfo of there! If she can except it, you two might just live happily ever after.
  16. #16 GrinS, Jan 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2009
    If any girl ever wants me to change for her, can start packing her bags. If its costing to much, grow it, and if she doesnt want to grow it, tell her its a plant, and it was around long before she showed up on earth, and will be there long after shes gone.

    There are literally millions of awesome chicks out there that won't try to mold you to the person who they want.

    You are who you are, and if someone wants to change that, fuck them, and fuck you for not being a man. Go watch the View, I heard they are getting another fat, unattractive bitch to tell men how worthless they are.

    but, I also oppose marriage, and anything with the bible, so our priorities are possibly different.

    add: And she threatened you with no sex? What is this? Where the fuck did she get the idea she can do that? She must have been raised in a shitty home, where her parents threatened each other all the time or something, and it rubbed of on her.

    Does she think SEX is only pleasurable to a man? I'm sorry, but fuck that bitch. Using it as a lure above your head, like your some fucking dog, and if you want to get the treat, you have to roll over, play dead, and shake hands.
  17. Well said.
  18. I agree with you 100%. BUT, what you are talking about is a regular relationship, like ive mentioned earlier, this is a serious one. Its not so simple to just dump somebody your ready to give up your life for, ya dig? If this was like any other type of relationship, she wouldnt even have a chance to open her mouth about this, before she finds herself at the bus stop. But like i said, this situation is different, and calls for different measures...or so it seems to me at least...
  19. I hear ya, but the difference between a serious and a regular relationship is normally just time you have been together.


    dating 3 weeks, regular relationship
    dating for a year, serious relationship

    However, what says she doesnt keep on pulling this crap? I hate to say it, but woman think totally different than men, at least different from me. What if she gets this idea that for her to get her way, she just has to say, "Its XXX or the wound between my legs"

    Also, she won't even compromise. Thats probably the worst part.

    If she has any vices, like smoking cigs or even drinking alcohol, tell her its either that or ur dick, and throw her own medicine in her face. It won't matter if it is or isn't effecting her life, it might show her your perspective, naw mean?

    But this girl better be a 9.5+ on the looks scale or shes gone, in my book.

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