Advice needed OGs: Weed seeds in the mail

Discussion in 'General' started by FatBuds420X, Jan 24, 2023.

  1. Hi, I live in a country where it's not exact legal to grow weed (sad asf ik). I ordered some weed seeds early last year in the mail and got them after 1-2 months. At the end of the year I decided to buy a bunch more from the same vendor. The seeds reached my country and made it through customs, they also reached a major city near me but have been "In transit" to the smaller city that I live in for over 3 weeks now. I've never seen this sort of delay before on any package that I've ordered (and I've order hundreds to my house in the last year).

    Why I'm worried; towards the end of last year something that I tried to order got caught at customs (something psychedelic-related, they weren't stealthy ffs) so I think they've probably blacklisted my address and are checking every package that comes through which is weird because then why did the package with the weed seeds make it through customs? And recently a lot of my overseas parcels have been stopped at customs or obviously ripped open and inspected (almost all of my recent packages have tears in the packaging as if someone opened it). Maybe I'm just paranoid but do you think they purposefully let my package through so they can bait me? I don't know what I should do now, should I just wait and see or contact the post office and ask for an update on my package?
  2. Your to small a fish to do more then keep intercepting and opening your packages. Try one more time but consider your address as Burned. Have the next batch sent to a friend. Different name and address. Rent a private PO box if you must.
    How to Get a Physical Mailing Address? | PostScan Mail
    Lots of ways around it nowadays.

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  3. I think It's probably a good time to stop here before I get a knock on the door haha I already have some seeds, but definitely bummed if the other seeds don't arrive. Had some really nice ones in there and spent a couple hundred on it. And yeah I knew my address was burned the minute a previous package got stopped at customs, but I hoped somehow the seeds would make it through, I'm looking to move at the end of the year so I'll try again there with a different name.

    I also had some shroom prints on the way and the exact same thing happened with them, made it past customs and still "In transit" to a nearby city for over 3 weeks, something aint adding up.
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  4. much post is mis directed these days due to post cutbacks, ;leave the new arrived seeded envelope on the table for 30mins or so incase the cops come attached
    you can write on the pack 'return to sender' and deny any knowledge if you are that hot

    good luck
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. If they come with a warrant I can't do much I'm already growing plants haha would be hard to hide those and deny any knowledge. So I'll just say nothing, get a lawyer and accept whatever happens.

    Just seems weird how it's happened, usually it would say "seized at customs" or something along those lines, but it looks more like the packages were just lost in the mail, either that or there was a second customs check after it arrived in my city and the shipping history was never updated.
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  6. if you are in the states you may well get your envelope minus the seeds with a green customs sticker attached least you know unlike other govts of the world
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  7. Do you have any vacant houses nearby? Perhaps you can have it delivered there…
  8. Not to my knowledge, I only moved here a year ago and every house near mine is occupied. I've thought of a good plan though if I want to get stuff delivered in the future. I'll move into an Airbnb for a month or two, get it delivered there under a different name. No way for them to trace it to me, and if they try to pin it on me I'll just feign ignorance, what are they gonna do, could've been anyone who sent it and it won't be under my name ;)
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  9. Sorry to hear this, I bet someone at the post office is taking your stuff.
    They got your name and address and know what you do, according to a friend of mine who works in P.O.
    it's a big problem.The quality of workers is low.
    I'd go and get fake a charity business name, it costs maybe $20 .
    I get seeds from AMS, always great and come hidden in ,gloves,ties clothing usually. Good seeds too
  10. Yeah that's what it seems like at this point. Bastards. Hopefully they'll at least drop me off an Oz or two after they've finished growing, they know where I live so no excuse for not doing it
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