man, The Boondocks is like one of there worst shows, what do they have like 6 episodes? You just see the same ones over and over
Nice bong, i cant tell if thats a Trinity? I've got one, its killer. And yes, i watch adult swim almost every night when im home. Great programing
ima remain a soldier till the war is wonnnn! boondocks is hilarious, they do need new episodes tho, that intro song on boondocks is beyond all comprehension tho, its absolutley amazing.... and hell yah, adult swim, bong in hand, chillin bed is where its at... i do it almost nightly... oblongs is pretty fucked up... lol
Number one in the hood, G. Naah man I used to watch so much Adult Swim its not even funny. I'm a huge fan of ATHF, boondocks, Full Metal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo and all the other quality shows. Those clever blurbs they have after commercials are hilarious half the time.