addictive shit

Discussion in 'General' started by plumface_2002, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. i tried coke for the first time last night, and tonight im pheaning for it, i can see how this shit could be horribly addictive. I didn't find it that great either, i dont go for the whole body buzz shit in drugs, i like tripping balls and seeing shit and stuff.
  2. I've done it a couple times and haven't been impressed with it either. I didn't really fiend for it too bad afterword, though, and one night we did a fucking lot. I'd rather stick with my sweet ganja.
  3. First off - This really should be in the general forum

    Yeah i used to be a coke head... But that time has been long gone (thankfully)
    That shit is not worth it, trust me on this i beg of you. You get the good 20 min body buzz o boy, then afterwords you feel like shit till you get more... go fucking figure. Just stay away from it man thats like all i can say,

    really sensitive subject for me, you know what im talking about??
  4. No shit me too, thats crazy. I tryed coke too last night, i was all hyper and body buzzed. I ain't doing it again. Its not worth getting addicted
  5. i know exactly where your coming from dude. I hate all drugs that just give you a buzz, i mean like besides nothing else. Like herion, crack, coke, stuff like that, cuz it dosent do shit for anyone. It makes you escape from you shitty life for a tiny time. Shit tha tmakes you see stuff like shrooms and acid are fucking awesome, cuz theres no addiction and i just way prefer it. I dont know about the rest of you guys, do you like hallocigons or body buzz;s better?
  6. I Was Snortin Powder All Weekend And I Aint Fiendin For Just Weak Or Somethin. Bud Just Gives You A Buzz And Its Cool. Dont Knock On Drugs You Havent Even Fucked With
  7. el-producto, he did fuck with it, and didn't like it. That's why he's knockin on it. It's his right. Not everyone likes all drugs.

    I do coke when the opportunity presents itself. I really enjoy the high, and I like the fact that it doesn't last as long as long as some other drugs. I've never wanted some when it wasn't right in front of me, so it's never seemed addictive to me at all.
  8. I love the high coke gives me.. I was a fiend for it for awhile.. Really drained the $$$ outta me. I'll occasionally do it but I try to stay away..

    I highly prefer hallucinogens over other drugs.. Although i still have yet to try acid and mescaline..

  9. I like body buzzes better. It used to be the other way around back in the day. Alcohol gives me the best feeling out of everything else.

    As for coke I've never tried it but I've done meth a few times. Now that gets you fiending. I haven't done it for a couple years though.

  11. Not to be a dick but I dont think you can become physically addited to coke the first time, unless you billed a whole 8-ball to yourself maybe. But I think it would be more of a mental addiction, did you have a good time doing it? If so, in your excitement your brain said "this was great, maybe you should do it again". Well thats what my brain told me, but I said yes, only one more time......
  12. ^^^
    it depends on your body. some people can walk away from it, while other people will not feel right. I had a slight fiend for it once, but not bad, and that was after my first time. Some people just have less tolerance to addictive substances. It's doubtful that you're going to become addicted after the first time, but it's possible.
  13. Sucks to be you guys.

    I stay away from that shit; for me it's herb, sprinkled with shrooms and salvia from time to time.

    No coke, no Extacy, no LSD, no PCP, nothing but my herbs
  14. use the search button youll find many answers.

    As for coke being addictive, i don't know anyone personally who wasnt addicted so yeah, but than again most of us did it a lot, then i went to the hospital and about a month later a buddy of mine did. I know we stopped, havent talked to the other 4 in awile.

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