Adderall XR

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Liveintheclouds, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. I've been buying and taking large doses of tablets of generic Adderall occasionally for the past year or so. So I got myself tested for ADD to see if I could get my own prescription. Due to a mandatory drug test, they knew that I had abused it before, but my doctor still prescribed me capsules of 10mg Adderall XR because she said they weren't a stimulant and they don't give a high. But, I'm pretty sure you're still able to abuse it and sell it, right? Just in larger doses?
  2. Not really, I took 2 10 mg xr's and I didn't feel shit.

    A 20 or 30 xr is a different story.
  3. Of course you still get high. I was prescribed Focalin 10mg XR for years and i'd crush those beads up and blast em straight to the dome. Now im on 30mgXR and its much better. much much bettter. =D
  4. open the capsules and crush up the beads ma dude. then rail that shit!!!
  5. Yeah man I usually do lines. And of course you can't feel shit on only 20mg. I have to take 75mg+ to feel a real "high". I'm going to, of course, try and get it bumped up until I get 30mg.

    Haha I'm so happy my doctor doesn't know what she's talking about. Adderall XR IS a stimulant, it's just Adderall IR's autistic cousin.
  6. it just has a time realease mech. to it lol. also if u had to take a DT u could have just laid off the adderall for 1 week. it clears your system sooooo fast. also i didnt have to take one when i got my scrip. weird.
  7. I used to take those all the time, I just had to take 3-4 to get fucked up, and on one occasion took 7...that shit is fun as hell
  8. Too bad about so low of a dose, but shit dude, at least you got some.

    My favorite of all the uppers is dextro-amphetamine.

    All about the dex, man.

  9. thats what he got man, adderall is D-Amphetamine salts and some other random shit

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