right, was thinking about this last night.. But acid was made by accident by someone trying to make a cure for sommet etc.. Am guessing this person is dead now, so the question is.. does acid get made still or is there like only so much of it left nowadays?
an old bearded man in the desert. you pay 20 gold pieces for it. duh. But seriously, people still make it, and get caught doing so. http://media.www.udreview.com/media...lice.Bust.Lsd.Lab.In.White.Clay-1997178.shtml If theres a demand people will produce it, and collect. This is a LSD Lab. And this is the man responsible for its creation. Dr. Hofmann Holding the molecule structure of LSD.
and you my friend, are an idiot. as if you even wasted your time by replying with that, obviously i've not the knowledge like some people have on here you dweeb..
wait, who's the moron (dweeb? come on) ? you didn't really think that whatever lsd-25 was in the world was and is the only batch on the face of the earth? oh wait, i guess you were speaking from the knowledge of your 68 posts here on gc. come on, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there isn't/wasnt' just one batch of acid.
if theres a question that i know the answer too, then i will tell it in great detail. Although it wasn't that hard of one to answer.
dont you think he might have known someone that he taught how to make it? plus by now someone else would have figured it out. acid is a mold that grows on corn. but even if someone knew that theyd be able to look at it under a microscope and figure out how to make it.
The dude didnt know, give em a break.. its not right to brag about how much you know, you gotta teach people and never put em down for not knowing
not really. acid is derived from ergot, which is a chemical that's in mold that grows on rye and some other things (maybe corn too, not sure but i'm positive about rye). and looking at acid through a microscope will tell you nothing, unless it's a molecular scope or some shit.
hahai remember watching a timothy leary interview and i swear he said something about it. idk tho i was probably just tripping balls idk why i thought that. orry about that wrong info brah. actually look at this link http://www.google.com/search?q=lyse...:*&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1;
but that question was absolutely without a doubt the stupidest question asked on GC? Second to only the thread about faxing LSD lolol but seriously how could LSD survive for 40+ years as one batch....?
dude LSD-25 was first sythesized on my birthday, November, 16. and it was an attempted mind control method during the cold war. just want to say that haha