
Discussion in 'General' started by MndatorySuicide, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. Are there any recreational uses about this drug? I just got a whole shitload of these pink, large tablets that have A074 on them. Or if anyone could provide a place to get more information on it. I already googled it and searched on here too.
  2. dude ur obvoiusly not even 14 yet....acetaminophen r u fucking kidding!!???wow grow a sack then come back
  3. unless you have a headache, stay away from that shit
  4. dude, theres no reason to be an ass, so what if he's 14 you were once, hes asking a legit question about something he obviously dont know about you stop bein an asshole for 2 seconds and let him know that it fucks the shit outta your liver and causes really bad damage when not used as directed

    no high at all so dont even try it man
  5. from erowid

    # High doses of Acetaminophen can cause serious liver damage and possibly death. Symptoms of overdose may include bloody, black, or tarry stool; bloody or cloudy urine; pain in lower back and/or side; sores, ulcers, or white spots on lips or in mouth; sore throat; or unusual bleeding or bruising.
    # We have seen recommendations that no more than 4000 mg of acetaminophen be taken in a day (and no more than 2600mg/day for long-term use).
  6. Stay away from that shit. Put them back in your mom's medicine bottle ( I don't think anyone sells these on the recreational value at all)

    And for the record, don't fuck around with any pharms. Stick to weed.
  7. Well, they're for me, I have migraines sometimes and I figure when I don't have one might as well take 'em anyways if they had any recreational benefit. I just wasn't sure.
  8. yea its just purely pain relief, and i have yet to even witness that use. Your gonna need at least hyrdocodone or stronger to get a buzz from pain pills.
  9. this the mandatorysuicide from totse?
  10. You wanna buy some tylenol off me? haha j/k sorry I never thought someone would ask that question.
  11. yo man, forget bout' that guy, i got the bomb shit, ibprofin motha fucka, hahaha.
    but seriously, there is NOTHING recreational about it man, if you want some recreational otc's then go with dxm or somethin
  12. WTF!!??theres 2 mrBubbles??!!!

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