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ac question plz help

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Thevenusflytrap, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. pretty simple guys I have a portable ac cooling my room but its starting to get cold where i live outside. Now the ac unit produces hot air is this air safe to heat my house safe to breathe? need it running for grow room due to heat so if i can just heat my living room with this air instead of trying to vent it out it would be safer and save on my heat bill this year any info much appreciated thanks:wave:
  2. even though its set to cool it puts out warm air? If so sounds like it ran out of freon or newer refrigerant. Guessing the "warm air" is just heat for the fan and general operation. Since their not designed to be run warm I wouldn't do it, might get ruined. You wouldn't really save because portable ac units are notoriously inefficient. Lots of heating options FWIW.

    Just my $.02.
  3. no sir i may have typed it wrong .....the exhaust from the portable ac unit not the actual air from the ac. i have the actual unit in the room and a tube comes out back that pushes hot air is this air safe to heat my home with and safe to breathe
  4. [quote name='"Thevenusflytrap"']no sir i may have typed it wrong .....the exhaust from the portable ac unit not the actual air from the ac. i have the actual unit in the room and a tube comes out back that pushes hot air is this air safe to heat my home with and safe to breathe[/quote]

    Pretty good idea bro curious to kno tha answer also
  5. well ive been pumping it in my living room for three days now and it seems fine i guess i was just worried about carbon monixide or anything not breathable lol thanks guys
  6. You are all good! This is how I heat the workroom in my garage. No carbon monoxide in it at all.
  7. bitchin:D
  8. Its probably fine but there's more efficient and less wasteful ways to heat a room than running an air conditioner.
  9. [quote name='"biff11"']Its probably fine but there's more efficient and less wasteful ways to heat a room than running an air conditioner.[/quote]

    What's more efficient than free?
  10. lol heat the living room and grow big fat buds at the same time sound efficient to me lol thanks guys
  11. I guess I confuzed. Its getting cold outside, so you don't need the ac anymore(?) Except you run it not for the ac but the warm air that comes from the ac unit running(?)
  12. my grow room stays warm even though its cold outside where i live. thus i keep the ac running in my grow room when lights on and the ac has an exhaust tube out of the back and it emits hot air that i use to heat my house. I put a extention on the back of ac exhaust and and put a inline fan inside of it so the air pushes harder. its portable ac man not a window unit. hope that cleared shit up
  13. your fine i do the same thing. and don't know what the hell the other poster was talking about, of course an exhaust AC is going to be hot air. I'm guessing you have a dual hose like mine..

    but yeah all the ac is doing is condensing the air and cooling it. It's the same exact air. CO or no other gas is produced in the process..
  14. "the other poster" (me) didn't know he needed the cooled ac air...the comment that threw me was "I have a portable ac cooling my room but its starting to get cold where i live outside"....I thought he wasn't using the cooled air but now realize he is. In his case he's getting a 2-fer since he can use the hot and cool air.
  15. [quote name='"biff11"']"the other poster" (me) didn't know he needed the cooled ac air...the comment that threw me was "I have a portable ac cooling my room but its starting to get cold where i live outside"....I thought he wasn't using the cooled air but now realize he is. In his case he's getting a 2-fer since he can use the hot and cool air.[/quote]

    A few things to think about...
    The air warm/hot air coming off the ac unit has humidity in it....and you are pumping that into your house...might be fine in some places.
    But I would suggest running that air outside, you could cause mold issues.....also this is a big clue that you grow because your windows will usually get a ton of condensation on them. People have been caught because of this. So if your not in a medical grow situation ....just something to think about.

    Also...a lot of the portable (if not all of them) ac units....they will suck some air out of your room (even if both hoses are out) and there for if your using co2 you are losing some co2 and also pumping that into your living room (or wherever your running the exhaust to).

    If you want to heat your home....use your air cooled humidity in it.

  16. k well i havent noticed any humidity in my air cause the unit has a dehumidifier built in it and it catches the water in a tray now iam not sure if its still releasing humidity from the hose i have a rh temp gauge in my living room where heat is pumping and it reads 74 temp rh 32 so i dont think its an issue as of yet. i have no co2 in this room other room yes but ac has nothing to do with it. thanks for looking out man makes ya feel good that people actually care about people they dont even know
  17. I pump my AC exhaust into my bathroom. And have the bathroom fan on venting it out. An AC won't have humidity in the exhaust unless it's on dehumidifier mode, right? Either way it wouldn't matter for me as having humidity in my bathroom is completely normal.
  18. you could do what I used to do in my old house without a basement, just exhaust the lights heat into the house through a carbon filter and pull in cold air from outside in the winter to cool the room with a fan thats controlled by a temp sensor

    well my ac unit is a heater also as well as a dehumidifer and a hepa filter but I only use the ac part of it

    if I turn it from ac to heat it seems like all it does is redirect the air flow - on ac mode I get hot air out the exhaust, and on heat mode I get really cold air out the exhaust so I guess its safe to breathe

    I guess the only problem could be that the heat exchanger that most all use is probably soldered together with lead solder so you could be breathing lead fumes in - it could also be air thats "stale" or lacking in proper amounts of oxygen so breathing it could cause a head ache or at the worst you pas out but probably not die, lol

    I would see if you could get a air sampler or have someone come out and sample the air (people who test for gas leaks will have the equipment for this) and see what its got in it
  19. I've got a double hose a/c, been using it for 4 years now...use the heat from your portable a/c unit if you can. There will be humidity in the exaust of your portable a/c (that's it) anytime it runs, dehumidify mode OR a/c mode...nothing harmful in the problem what so $$$$ and use the heat.

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