Abstinence a girls most attractive feature?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ReturnFire333, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. I completely agree.

  2. I think the word you're looking for is celibate not abstinent
    Better get married young, my child. Although that will still most likely end in divorce :)
  4. celibate isnt the right word still
    I'll tell you right now man; this is a quest you need abandon. You will not find that kind of girl by searching, you will only happen upon her. Every girl you find while searching will be the kind of girl that when you fall in love and have sex with her, while it may have or may never come up, she's been with a couple to many many guys to find you. You need to focus on being what she wants, and make sure that she's what you want. Don't ever compromise but don't judge based on past. I dated a girl I knew came from cheating, hell she left her husband for me, but I worked against the odds; I helped her through anxiety, I made sure that she and her kid had a comfortable place to live. Yes she fucked me over, yes she's a whore; but I gave her the chance anyway, even when she told me she would hurt me by the end of it. You've gotta live in the moment man, if you live in the past you'll regret everything you should have done.

    Pika Piiiii! Pi! Pi!
  8. What the hell are you pikaweirdos turning this thread into 
  9. no, a girls most attractive feature is her ass, followed by her face, followed by her boobs, then her weight, then her brain, then her real brain, and then the length of her legs
  10. It doesn't have to be for religious reasons but it can be. A celibate person can choose to not have sex until they are in a serious relationship. At least that's my take on it.
  11. Spiderman Thread?
    I think so
    Oh wise one, I bring tribute to you, every card and letter my ex girlfriend wrote me.
  13. so mean T-T
  14. False, muteness is   ;)
    That would be someone who's celibate until they're in a serious relationship, sure. 
    Someone who just flat out says "I'm celibate" generally means they aren't going to fuck you until you're consummating your marriage. :p 
  16. Pika-scuse you. 
  17. . Yayyyy optimism! Lol xD
  18. Most males want to have lots of sex, but at the same time want girls who've had hardly any. Sweet setup for the homos though :D
  19. Easily. Whats laughable is being attracted to that will get you labeled as sexist.
    A better title to your thread would be "Sexual Moderation/ Self Control: A girl's most attractive feature?"

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