Absolute first timer here...need expert advice

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by moser16, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. Hey guys and gals...this is my first time attempting this..but I was hoping you guys could give me your opinion. Below is my first grow, its in a cabinet...florescent light has a timer, I set it for 18/6 and there is a fan to help with air circulation. The seeds were from a bag of good mids so im not exactly sure what im going to get. I have 4 planted, hoping that at least on is female (hoping for the one in the pot). I eventually (shortly) want to narrow it down to one plant. Suggestions and Ideas are more than welcome.






    WIth the lights off to check for light seepage
    Cabinet door open and screen down
    Screen folded up
    3 to 4 days ago
  2. if it is possible, i would keep them all until you are able to sex them. no point in throwing out 3 plants in hopes of the one you keep turning out female. I would keep them all going for however long you want to veg, then flip to 12/12 and wait it out for the sex to show, then you can wittle out the female(s).
  3. I would suggest in the future that you do not plant two seeds in the same container. The roots will get tangled up and make it really hard to transplant, or take out a male or something.

    Also, you may want to consider a better way of attaching your door. There is a lot of light leaking through that could be going to your precious plants. Also, depending on the location of this spot you have, light could be coming in and interupting their sleep time.

    I cannot give any opinions on the health of your plants unless you can borrow a camera that can take pictures that are more clear.

    Other than that, welcom to grasscity and I look forward to seeing your progress.

    You should start a grow journal thread also : )
  4. What are the deminsions of your grow chamber?

    What kind of lights and how many?
  5. Thanks for all the quick responses.

    Cupcheck: I absolutely agree with you on that, so I decided to give two to my brother to plant at a separate location. If those grow and one turns out female ill just de-bo it from him haha

    SurfsUpBrah: Thanks for the kind words, as far as the two in one pot thing, as soon as I took that picture i realized that they will tangle and removed the worse looking of the two. Referring to the pictures of the cabinet, the black trash bag is just a light deterent, not the door. As you can see in the picture from a distance with the lights off, thats with the door shut, but I could be misunderstanding what you are getting at. The size of the chamber is approximately 3 feet deep, and 2 feet high. But this is what I am using to get them to grow, once they get to big for that cabinet I am just going to move them to the larger one below.

    The light i am using is a florescent one hanging from chains so its adjustable, its probably like a foot and a half bulb. I will probably end up adding more light cuz it seems pretty wimpy.

    Ill try and get some up close pics and get them to you guys to see if you can help identify the strain.

    Thanks again,

  6. I'd give it 24 hours of light for a few weeks, it won't hurt it none and will give you expedite your growth. I can't see how far off the lights are, but I'd drop them down to within a couple inches. with a flouro i'd say like 3-4" from the tops. They should be okay for a week or two with just that one light, but ya adding some more wattage would not hurt. Looks like your off to a good start. good luck keep us updated.:smoke::smoke:
  7. Time for an update. Today is the 7th day and to celebrate one week they got a new and improved growing space. I moved them down to the larger closed with much more room. I also added one of the spiral Floro bulbs that goes in a regular light bulb socket for some more light. They seem to be doing well accept the smaller one, lost one of the leaves but to my surprise it seems to be growing another one in its place (see pic). They are both doing well and are getting bigger and bigger. I was away for a few days and I came back today and the soil was bone dry haha that cant help! so I watered them up and returned them to the closet. There is a chair in front of it so it is totally discrete. I am happy with this set up and this is where they will stay till their last day. I would appreciate any feed back on how I have been doing so far. I have been doing my research and hopefully it will all work out for the best.

    I have seen pictures of plants that are the age of mine and they seem to be sorter with a few more leaves. Mine are growing taller but dont seem to want to grow more leaves, is this normal? I would prefer to have shorter plants that are fatter due to space constraints.

    I hope all is well and stay tuned for more updates in a few days.

    Larger plant (bad focus sorry)

    Smaller Plant with the missing leaf that seems to be growing back

    The green thing in the pot is not another plant, its a paper clip that I stuck in there to help the plant fight the fan haha







    Red Blanket that I have hanging to prevent light from seeping out when the door is shut so no one knows the babies are in there



    Chair blocking the door
  8. You had to get your flask in the picture huh? lol, ya man like i said, solid start. The growth of your plant depends on a few things I think, I'm no expert yet, but strain probably is a large factor and you probably got some extra stretchage early on depending on how far off your light was. check your lights daily, keep your girls workin, but don't let them get cold:smoke:. Keep doing research, and keep us updated!:smoke::smoke:
  9. if you can, get a better light source, this is probably why your baby's are stretching, looking for better light.
    and you want to get some air moving though your space, and i don't just mean moving around, try to get it moving though,
    As for letting them go bone dry, (Bone-Dry is to much). but!! i don't think its good to have your pots wet 24/7, you no what i mean? at that size id be watering every other day, max. just until she gets a bit bigger, the most common mistake people make when there just starting out, is that they try an do to many things, to much Watering, to much food or both.
    sometimes if the leafs look a bit cabbage like, this can be because they are getting to much water..
    good luck. I will be keeping a look out for you progress.
  10. Yeah I would have to say....and you may have already done this before I am posting as I have been gone a few days too.

    But to listen to Calichakla s/p?

    Put your lights just as far away from the top of the plants as your hand can stand to stay without getting hot (like 3-4 inches, could be even closer depending on light)

    Your plants are growing tall to get closer to the light, which you don't want indoors. You want it to be content and grow its sets of leaves pretty close together.

    Also, I'm not really hip to the fire hazard yellow pages balancing the light.

    Looks like you chose a great place for a grow closet.

    Also, your plants are looking a little yellow, which could probably be explained by your few days away. But just in case, keep an eye on them and make sure they make a fast recovery.

    LMAO now that I can see a clear picture...LOL....I can see you did not plant two seedlings in a pot...Sorry about that...LOL
  11. Also, during Vegetative growth try to make all your flouresents and CFL's 6500k (Daylight). This will also help in decreasing the plants stretching.

    Then for flowering you want to switch to 2700k (Cool White)
  12. Time for another update. So I took the advice of everyone on here, and got a new light. Its a CFL that is made to grow plants, I also bought a 1700 lumen spiral bulb that goes in a normal light socket. These two along with the other cfl I have should be plenty of light and the plants seem to like it already. The one in the pot is def. getting bigger and bigger and they both are looking much healthier. I have them on 24 hour light now and they are both watered up.....It is sooooo hard to be patient hahaha

    I also bought two larger pots and soil for a re-plant. When should I move them to bigger pots?




  13. Is the soil similar to the soil you have the plants in now?

    Also, does the soil have any nutrients in it, or time released nutrients?
  14. the soil that i bought to re-plant them in is expert gardener perfect mix all purpose potting soil. Says it feeds for up to 9 months

    .04 ammonical nitrogen
    .03 Nitrate nitrogen
    .03 Urea Nitrogen
    .08 phosphate
    .06 soluble potash
    .01 sulfur

    Its a slow release formula.

    Hope this information helps...so at what stage should I replant them into bigger pots with the new soil?
  15. You shouldn't use soil with nutes, specially the slow release type; it will burn your plants.
    Be careful when transplanting, you don't want to mess up your roots.
    I suggest you read as much as you can, there are tons of guides full of helpful information.
  16. well i have a little bit of bad news, I came home last night to see my light had fallen and kinda smushed one of the plants, it pinned the leaf against another pot and burned it a bit. The plant looks pretty rough now (its the one that was missing a leaf already) so im really hoping she will pull through. I am giving her extra attention. Also, can one of the mods move this thread to grow journals, I see that it is slowly becoming that haha

    hope all is well

  17. dont worry about it, I made the biggest balls up ever on my first grow, I was too interested in blocking out the light that I forgot that they need fresh air as well and killed 3 female skunk plants but the 4th one was only half dead so decided to show it a little extra attention. In the mean time I had planted another 4 skunk seeds and started to grow as normal, all 5 plants went in together again and to my surprise the plant with the most yield was the 1 that I nearly killed.

    Now I am no expert but just make sure that the stem of the plant is ok and to the best of my knowledge it should be ok.

    Give it a chance, you might just get the suprise that I got
  18. Thanks for the words of encouragement, thats just what I needed to hear :smoke:
  19. Hey guys, just thought I would stop by with some good news..I think it is some where around the 2 week mark, maybe a few days less...both plants have been re-potted into larger pots. The one that was in the clay pot is doing great and the plant that the light fell on is making a slow recovery but I have hope she will make it just fine. Below are some pictures. Can you guys/gals tell me if my growth is normal for about 2 weeks or so? The larger one is growing leaves daily and seems to get bigger and bigger every time I look at it. The smaller one is still growing and making its recovery. Hope all is well, just thought I would drop in.

    The plant the light fell on
    My baby, the big nasty
    Big Nasty again
  20. Bump ? ? anyone

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