About to smoke some Cheese

Discussion in 'General' started by BlazinBeard, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Hey all, I just wanted to meet some new people and get blazed... wondered how long i could smoke and keep posting for :D

    Wanna join me anyone?

  2. #2 Mason420, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2011
    Well I don't know about you.. But I smoke & post all day every day!

    edit: your bout to smoke a toothpick?
  3. that must be the thinnest joint ive ever seen
  4. tell me how it was when you're done.
  5. Im pretty new to this gig, not been smoking long and so im not even sure how its going to affect my posting ability! :D
    question: How many joints do you get out of an 8th. Im settling around 5, not mixing any tobacco in there (Nasty stuff that Tobacco) Is that about right? cause I get mashed off of one for about 3 hours min!
    Let the smoking commence!

  6. there's no way.
    i have papers that wont even fit that much weed in them.
    then again, i almost never use them :bongin:
  7. It sounds like your buying smaller amounts, quite honestly I would invest in some glass to help you conserve more. As a newbie, all I smoked were joints and I went through weed like a seasoned mofo. Then I got my first glass spoon and it is amazing how much further you can stretch your stash. Nice joint though, looks very legit in that tube haha.

  8. I never really rolled before, not having smoked/rolled previously, so it takes a while to make an even slightly acceptable spliff. So when i get my stash i chop it all up, grind it and roll it in one sitting. It saves time later! :D

  9. here's some tips for rolling: use your dominant hand as the anchor for the joint, and do the rolling with this hand. use your other hand to keep the weed even inside the joint and for guiding the paper so it doesn't overlap. pack the end flat with a pen or something before you twist it off.

    when i was a nub roller i watched youtube videos, now i can bust out fatties in a couple minutes :D

  10. Yes Sensei, these are the skills i want!

    LoL, I just time warped into a cheech and chong movie but family guy style!

    This is some good cheese SmokeJob!
  11. What's up man, If your saying 5 joints that look like that then noo.. 5 joints out of an 8th would all be decent sized ..
    Stay High :smoke:
  12. Explain, i wanna hear this one

  13. Like the episode Blue Harvest - Family Guy (the starwars one)


    Episode Green Harvest - Famliy Guy (The Cheech and Chong: Up In Smoke one)

    And this all happened in my mind, and felt like much longer than 30 mins, more like the length of a movie!

    Whoa, that took a while to get straight!!
  14. [​IMG]

    Sounds like hes been cheesing his F'ing brains out!
  15. much enjoyment, is being had im glad i left it until i was 25 before i started smoking, this is an epic sensation!
  16. Lol, you guys are ripping on his skinny jays but I'll pack a third of that jay into my one hitter and be blazed for 4 hours :smoke:
  17. i wont lie man, im tripped off my ass right now for that bit of my weed, i get high like this about 5 times every 2 weeks. And it feels great!

  18. I know right, I would be too. All my friends are always amazed at how I make shit last. I have like 8 little bags of different pickups that are all less than a gram but it's hella nice to have a little choice. Keeps tolerance in check too.
  19. Don't listen to everyone making fun of the size. It's quality that matters ;)

    Seriously tho guys are you all smoking like 2 gram cannons to your face when you're alone? Looks like a fine size joint for one guy.
  20. Isnt cheese slang for snortable heroin?!?

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