about to do shrooms, what activites should i do

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by pgs king, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. i have my shrooms and im about to eat em up with my friend. i have the whole day ahead of me and nothing really planned except we wanted to ride bikes to the pool sometime during the day :cool:

    any realistic ideas would be great, ill try it out and tell you how it went!
    also give me some ideas on how to munch these down they smell terrible. i guess ill just do some pb&shrooms again if i must.
  2. just go in nature far out from any human beings.
  3. but the pool would be amazing on shrooms, never tried it before. i think we can handle ourselves enough to go to the pool, we have both done shrooms before
  4. well if you think you can handle it go right ahead my man but ive been trippin shrooms since i was about 16 and i hate going around people when im messed up.
  5. You could grind it up and put it in some lemon juice, I heard that lemon juice can potentiate psychedelics
  6. ur only plan shud be to blaze a lot lol...woods could be fun but if u got an open house then just chill and blast some tunes...u will have a great time if ya do that...a shroom trip without music would suck lol

  7. the lemon just breaks them down, which will make them kick in faster and stronger, but not last as long.....just eat em,

    go on a walk man. in y experiences i dont like being around ppl...ppl create to much false bulshit, random things that they do for no reason....fuck ppl man

  8. although music can be cool, u havent lived untill youve been on a long walk away from civilization

    I like to save music from the comedown
  9. check your science museum and go to the imax, i saw beatles laser show. i thought my head was going to explode, it was soooo amazing. or you could watch labrynth. its really intense.
  10. The first time I tripped I tripped with 2 friends. We sat in my house and watched Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, and Pink Floyd the Wall.

    I would definatly recomend Pink Floyd the Wall.

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