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About getting clean frm THC just in 3days

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by crystal_lynn, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Im a real heavy smoker, 5_10 blunts a day even more so please dont drug test came up saying i needed to go take one ... I thought i was gonna b shit outta luck ..smh... But i did this.. I went to Jamba Juice and bought 2oz shot of wheatgrass drink it there its a detox drink.i did that monday and that sameday i drunk a 64oz.fl of cranberry juice and drunk like 12 water bottle the sameday ..and just continued the juice and water for 3days ,so that would make it now Wednesday ... Then i went a bought a THC marijuana test from Rite Aid drug store the best ..its like 30$ and tested myself and i was clean as can b .... And i been doin this ever since for the last 5mos and i smoke heavy and i test everyweek .....100% guaranteed will work for everyone!!!! Cus i have alot of fat on my body!:) just thought I would share... My test was soo clean that thursday .Sent from my SPH-D710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. You could have just used quick fix...64 oz cranberry juice? 12 water bottles? Every day for 3 days?....seems really extreme lol Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  3. Kidney cant filters up to 15 Litres a day so if you do it a couple of days it wont be bad and as he said they it really work.  No tell me when you sparked again did you get really high or what¿ because i dont know if the receptos can recove that quickly. 
    Anyawys cheers on passing.
  4. Wow! Much better than my 48 hour Azo test fucking my body up with chemicals lol
  5. [quote name="simple toke" post="19421149" timestamp="1390897543"]You could have just used quick fix...64 oz cranberry juice? 12 water bottles? Every day for 3 days?....seems really extreme lol Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote] well it cost less with the wheatgrass 4$ thats all Sent from my high ass self <3
  6. [quote name="simple toke" post="19421149" timestamp="1390897543"]You could have just used quick fix...64 oz cranberry juice? 12 water bottles? Every day for 3 days?....seems really extreme lol Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote] no i only drunk one 64oz fl on day one them i had about 12 water bottles altogether for the 3days and i been doing this trick for about 5months now and i text every week and i aint never texted dirty at all a pro hunnay Sent from my high ass self <3
  7. [quote name="wessli23" post="19421210" timestamp="1390898693"]Kidney cant filters up to 15 Litres a day so if you do it a couple of days it wont be bad and as he said they it really work. No tell me when you sparked again did you get really high or what¿ because i dont know if the receptos can recove that quickly. Anyawys cheers on passing.[/quote] i tested on thursday and i smoke friday thur sunday ...then start al over again .. Wheatgrass on monday 2oz shot then after drink a 64oz fl of cranberry juice just one . Then water for 3days and i have about 12 water bottles n total then i test on that thursday again .Sent from my high ass self <3
  8. [quote name="crystal_lynn" post="19421520" timestamp="1390908366"]no i only drunk one 64oz fl on day one them i had about 12 water bottles altogether for the 3days and i been doing this trick for about 5months now and i text every week and i aint never texted dirty at all a pro hunnay Sent from my high ass self <3[/quote] *test *tested Sent from my high ass self <3
  9. Interesting, I'm just saying save yourself all that hassle and use fake urine lolSent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. [quote name="simple toke" post="19422923" timestamp="1390931959"]Interesting, I'm just saying save yourself all that hassle and use fake urine lolSent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote] I did that already I have to use my real urine cus i go thur pain management so my medication still needs to b n my system if I use fake synthetic pee it wont work for me hun Sent from my high ass self <3
  11. Doesn't make sense...Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. This could be ground breaking if OP could spell, hmph oh wellSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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