A very very weird story. (Abit of advice needed aswell)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Royyston, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. shit dude, you predicted the future and asked your friend about the future and he knew the future too? holy fuck!

    but seriously, that sounds so fucked lol, not like weed, he sounded like he was on some ice or something.

  2. I'm 100% sure he wasn't on anything apart from weed.
  3. If I were him I would have got on my back and enjoyed the warmth of Hell and just stared at the beauty of heaven.
  4. Sounds like your friends is having some serious mental health issues (body, mind and spirit). He needs to slow down or stop his usage and chill 4 a bit b4 smoking again.
  5. Does he have a family history of schizophrenia? If he even has 1 documented relative with it theres a chance that that 1 sesh triggered an episode. Or those "lovehearts" you mentioned may have had some shitty fillers(all X has fillers and rarely, if ever, has any actual MDMA in it).
  6. There is also a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that your an athiest, but I know that you only don't believe in God because you always ask the same thing; "If God's real, why don't I see a miracle? Show me your face, why don't you? Give me an answer!!!"

    How long were you away from your parents at birth? 1 minute?

    You think God's some kind of bitch that is supposed to do your bidding and bend over backwards just to get your attention.
    HAVE you read the BIBLE? What are you looking forward to in the future?

    Think before you talk about God being a prick, 'cause there is no remorse for people who act like they have a big dick.
  7. @OP : Sometimes the effects of drugs can be triggered through weed.

    So even if he didn't take anything before lighting up the joint, once he got high, he might have recurring effects of drugs he used to take.

    It's either that or he has some serious issues.
  8. The next idiot who says "Crazy people, Schizophrenia, hard drugs, or THERE IS NO GOD" will get a personal message from me. It's not anything demeaning to anyone, but I will break you if you keep talking about these people like they're crazy.

    Try me.:devious:
  9. Crazy people... schizo... hard drugs... and one more thing.

    There is no God.

  10. It's cool that you think this is something special dude, but this seriously sounds like an underlying mental condition.

    Tell your friend to see a psychiatrist ASAP. Schizophrenia is no joke.
  11. #31 Poisondartfrog, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010

    There is a God but it isn't your pathetic, fear and hate-spreading Christian God. He is a God of love, not one who threatens people for not living totally for him. Have you read the Bible? If you have and choose to believe it then you are a small minded follower. Everyone here has a right to their opinion just as much as you do, and you don't have the right to threaten your petty "personal messages" because you don't agree with someone.

    As far as the OP, your friend has mental issues. Heaven is not in the sky and hell is not under your feet. He has been brainwashed to believe this from religion and media. While I do believe in spiritual messages, I do not believe this is one as I believe they come to those who understand how to use them. Please do not get involved with his wife, he is your friend and you need to act like a man and speak to him about it unless you fear for his life.
  12. What did he see when he looked straight forward?
  13. [​IMG]

    why don't you stop bible-bashing a bunch of stoners and stand on a street corner and preach to people who might actually give a damn. what's the underlying message behind his friend's vision of heaven and hell? that they exist..? that he's going to one of them? wow, thanks God for that miraculous enlightenment. i wish i could receive hallucinogenic visions to reveal the blatantly obvious.

    here's a fun fact; crazy people, schizophrenia and hard drugs actually exist, and at this stage hold a far more credible explanation to why his mate saw heaven above and hell below for a few minutes

    i don't know what advice to give you OP other than tell your mate to see a doctor if he's worried. what the fuck else can ya do lol. pray for further enlightenment?

    and Atonofclay, I don't disrespect or dislike you man, but don't bother PMing me because i won't read it. religion's not my bag of tea so if I can respect your beliefs, then please, for the love of God, respect mine. i don't have no time to listen to conflicting points of view :smoke:
  14. Is it hard to type while wearing a straight-jacket?
  15. I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
    the Maker of heaven and earth,
    and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
    Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
    born of the virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate,
    was crucified, dead, and buried;
    He descended into hell.

    The third day He arose again from the dead;
    He ascended into heaven,
    and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
    from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
    I believe in the Holy Ghost;
    the holy catholic church;
    the communion of saints;
    the forgiveness of sins;
    the resurrection of the body;
    and the life everlasting.
  16. It only takes one religious outburst to skew a thread off subject:cool:. If a shrink says he ain't schizophrenic and his tox comes up negative for anything nasty, then, he is a believer in JAY-ZES!!!!!!(southern accent required);)
  17. Going for another smoking session in an hour and see how it turns out.
  18. Bruh, are you really bashing peoples opinions on a forumn? like is he not as good as you because he doesnt belive story books?

  19. I'm still waiting for the PM.
  20. Maybe the padded walls where he's at are interfering with his wireless signal. :D

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