A Very Happy Thanksgiving To All

Discussion in 'General' started by john9, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Wishing all here and elsewhere a very Happy Thanksgiving!
  2. same to you and your family
  3. Thank you bro to you and yours, smoke out and be merry
  4. happy thanksgiving ya'll :smoke:
  5. "...and to all a good night."

    Is what I think the original post should have read.

    But I may be increasingly bitter about all this Thanksgiving banter while I'm here on the underside of the planet with no family and certainly no turkey to celebrate how my people raped and pillaged the native population of what would eventually become your country.
  6. Thank you, same to you.

    The stories of Thanksgiving will be around for a long time. I discovered my own Mayflower ancestry about 10 years ago, and am very impressed with what those people accomplished. About half of the pilgrims died during their first winter in Plymouth, Mass., during a particularly rough season.
  7. I'm only in it for the food.

    I'm not celebrating a holiday that centers around making Americans look virtuous and thankful, when really its a hallmark holiday that is merely around for the sake of the economy.

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