A Terrorist Attack in Grasscity.

Discussion in 'General' started by Flemian, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. #1 Flemian, Apr 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2012
    At 12:14PM Eastern Time a small nuclear explosion went off in Grasscity.

    The following were caught in the blast and passed away:

    Flemian, boyo, donpelican1, mhaze1084, ChaseFalco, flammzrant, Shark bait, broboy, porterfr12, Khmerfoo, Jaime2400, Peeled Bananas, OG GreenFingers, Boyd420, Clkkid, greenops, davewinz, Shoi, BuzzyK, dailytoken, Bogz, ModestMau5, Imfucked, moonbirdmonster, Undermac, Houston27, basedj, Bubbles42O, dogmule, manwall, Rendy, TokingOwl, nerdheard8002, Classic Tetris, fibrlight, Slawter, chronicganjaguy, hammPatties, BriHope, G D P, 40blocks, amber78, MattyG031, tapio, ryan16626, NysourD, x8rUn0x, Byron7109, sticky banana, senorfrog420, weed420deew, stevenballin, rainbowbong, VapedMyFaceOff, bagz604, Jmiggs420, throatcream69, The360flipkid, kdiesel, Skunkbudz420, ThePetty, Sickleg, Grizzly Graham, bubbachumps, MartyMcFly0420, Besic, shawtylow, wowgabewow, Asianpeter4, CaliBudE, greenismylove, chrontoker33, cripin210Tx, 4NoStank2Hoes0, Kazcid, DontTellSmokey, TB1864, Proish, SH0T3, matt884433, Inhumanetraits, growmymeds, straight purps, seedjay, AlfredoMazinar, iVapeTooMuch, zachj, logan20519, yurigadaisukida, weedlover420, scottp7, noobwannB, antoniown, Yeahh Weed, B rabbitt, cocouktoker, llllllllllllll, DevinLong, oscarsi, Wakenbake19, Yoko, Ldog1995, Scoobydoobies, Purpleface, HomeAllDayHerbz, imBaked, Kenji12349, Unrealjello, Wall of horse, KTMteamrider, SunnyVale, Overdose530, blondiee420, jdklgn, Nickkycubba, 809king, OGkushak, MOPMan, purproller420, esauftw, BluntTrauma0824, drjustinmartine, SoHighInTexas, Daddyshungery, PartTimeToker, brandonarick, mmaggie420, Donkey B0ng, aKidYouWanaKnow, Nabers07, Denniska, Junglist x1x, Surgical, mrwavyphil, FluffyBud, biz523, frijolito, DazedInMaine, danniem, Silvereagle420, StevenTJPaulson, marrymemary, chopped suey, So Fly High, Longboardtoker8, justryingtogrow, KronicWin, dorth420, iNuBBiN, mahadeva, blondiebongman, The Revolution, amer44, BenJaamin, Jaizero, footballkid001, RiceRips, Railer, Tokeatowa, dirtridge, OGKushGrower, Supervegito666, zone666, TheSilentToker, Madbuddz, biggg bassset, Brianyo, 420mexican, alaska, Freakshow, Rager420, MrNiceGuys, Fallen In Smoke, G13adsAMY, ProvidencePlant, 3xOG MasterKuda, Iceman420, RingOfSmoke, andycad, SIRSOG, bassistheshit3, McHutchin, JustHoldIt, Sploosh, greenfarmer33, KbX, DeadHead510, Foglers, T3H B3AR, Stay-Blazed, pandajuice, Boketh, SuperSilverDaze, angusnaut, cooldud, stalker21, BigBear, Czechmix, Douggs, Scapegoat Adams, Kevanoitaliano, aka Casper, MaxP0wers, Bluer6, weedkillz, highfalcon, tangeriiine427, poopdolla, SlurpeeLucas, stickey_fingerz, jaykewashere, EatingMushrooms, GanjaGremlin, kiefsmoker420, HolderOfTheBong, wiryweasel, Tacony Stoner, Justrollitup, Megacosm, johnnypeebucket, killer buds, CaptainCCC, Mendi769, j0k32r0x, littlewingz, xNewGuy, DJTHESOUND, Sweetsensi420, mexitoke, s3v loves you, Slinginkush420, grubees, kHazeNikka, treesmoker11, cavan410, Im an Herbivor, themilkman345, Anaconda Gs, xJust1n, Dyerzz, kingklick1991, Streetlight545, Phytonadione, Thadrought, ProSmoker0, 218TwistinStanK, Wutangmanx, the3oog, GanjaGreenGiant, devildeath, HazeySkater, Swink, Relleck, lazy student, Dalton!, garrettreeves, aaron1o1, bobsrevenge999, InstaBlaze, trunkmuzik, gata185, loud sticky, bigindoloks, loucas, MrStonerMan, LordOfWeed, bubbs, pass the pipe, sonocroc, g98VW, mephy1, Burnsmoke, Aussiekenn, sodak blazin, swag swag, stickygreenthum, rolik, bobishbill, sparkysharky, 9h0s7, skier420, mangle, Sir smoke a bit, CountGlockula, TS HIGH, Tdot KushMan, cooljob, dhizzyballuh, AKATEHPA1N, StepsP, ModernMenace, Kasz, dan2610, benchbong, jeffdankity, Grimz, Hali, LuckyBadger, Bluntman209, Bindin13, merrychronikka, cds97910, Aleksilia, glaciergrowroom, newbie4, EmcG, tehganja420, tyronebiggumz, skatinSfbuds, Messor, Blurve, virginia420, lrod1516, czirro, Onlooker, GrowsGanja, BlazedOfficial, RabbitRun, puffinonablunt, maryjane4days, Cheezeit74, BuD Chri5t, P40, Mason420, Blazebemad, Phisherman, homerjay123, SuperDank420, ki11a cal, Johnthrax, coombaya, TheNaturalist, Stetsen, ISmoke210, James001001, Devge, h2xhardcore, Jpayne786, suiside, redskinns21, CdnTokes, chronicman18, mepawnu, Dylanzs, Yoshisabeast, Mrgreenleaf38, bmpnok, guhnat, calicokush, bradlaw504, Biggle39, trapavelli, stc9357, MX Grower, phil3, LucidWandrer, SlimPickins, Well Stoned, calebb, futureghost, The Larry, sundaddy, gwardmonger316, ScoredCriminal, toozooted4life, Dawq902, NextGenWarrior, pod-racer, Jo$h420, DTownToker, canadakid1991, Xx420smokexX, Yosh139, pytlak420, ReadThis, dickronalds, Simplyblunted, Chris0817, Brobama, warder lynch, daboss213, benwise, JPR, Dryice, Judgement, bigbuddahmaster, maskedspade666, Dank Buddz420, Stigma, Blazed4dayz, marcothor, dawill1967, SaylarJerry, Retabseby, TalkativeBaggy, gloppypop, deadheaddavid, neighture, mnmaimer, One Time Poster, screeper, Scary Hairy, Armory, smokymccloud, GIL, bookaker, maryjane87grow, Orthanc, werixo, junkle, AmericanSpirit, SpaceNuggets, Tree City, mjr18793, SmotPoker29, mochillum, Grizmoblust, jtisme, i GOT FiRE, Jlearn, durangobob99, LHiver, jpres, blazingin407, BizzyB, 1Trismegistus1, dirrtyd, Vernonj, rolandogarcia42, pompins, Khazad, KangarooBunny, [[jamminout]], 918glory, WickedRecords, Weasel King, Olesmoky, Dreadlocker, arti, p00nd, shamwowgal, SmokeyTheeBear, ThMuffinMan, jetdavdub, Visionary, buddogmutt, rkcman, Mr.Burnsalot, jmb345, Chubbylove, Deriv, Kannabiz, lemonade AK47, kingthompson, greendragon756, Leesh, liqqan, btnm, andreschou, thosevacanteyes, Budasaur, rizzo30, Speedcult, psyenzyme, mIdivaD420, whateedoes, bubbadun, RandomThoughts, progenitor04, Tosh., MJAddington, dalars, mrjerky, SoIceySeeds, rhapsodyrcks, Mungo man, BuRnTrEeS247, impulse1992, Mudd, wesside, Strallyman, imnoobish, w0gman, pradag jets, Veggietales, Tazed, MoneyBags420, nycblazer, chelsbysea, arewenotmen, lilro, badhabit, darksmoker, ghostonvacation, mikeb3285, stickyickyicky9, shitloaf, PuffPuffHOLD, pyro44199, jturtle, westTexasPine, jollyrancher1, forge, skittle, DyeNasty, sgtstadanko, Bruce da bong, Barple47, Junior DANK, PyspherE, Slowking, boracay, Shipwreck, MaddieSmokes, bradraz, Juicysteak, GoldenGinge, RipVanRyan, jak, mr man fan, CannabisPassion, mr sebastior, Jdahms, michaely168, TNA, austinb012, X24, pointswest, Eagles7267420, cdubbya79, Wind Man Jones, kindone, sexybanana, terpsnation, CheechNBong420, stonerforumname, Uluvmynuts2, Iplay4keepz, BunninDatPif420, Creativeshroome, tokin2da, MrGain, newbie2012, Lazyboy808, Franklinstein, SixTimesThree, Vicious, Keep It Lit, SmokyMcBonghit, Sour Kush, OCMMJ, jizzledfreq, xmaspoo, silentbob71, lilGreenDevil, Cannabisguy, herpah, fajackta, Rollin Cr00k3d, weedsmoker 420, gr33n_chr0n1c, SWED, ZigZagZodiac, dubshepp, overheatedmud, SpaceHead, rtlshred, morange, iDestiny, dawe72, cashedragu, Tanhands, Nick Dillinger, PinkFloyd42o, myoung7189, Stoned Fox, Twanboat, Kevin08, Faulkjuice, CrimsonCock, sideshow20, jojoguy, maggotbruin, applemilk1992, Bulletmaniac89, GDMC420, defjm, kaiserd00d, deadlystead, CronJon420, Zimzima, Madmike420, ridehigh, KB Grower, harvey123, MasterG, Koshogumi75, oko7015, KushNMusic, Anderson0457, skinnerbox, medical grower, King Smoke, jkushclouds420, Dumdumdummy, hellobob09, McClintok, Tburton95, Cgynadu, Potmcsmokey, gsxrkid750, krookedkush, smokintoke, logistixz, CheebaMeeba, jax2cal2pc, morbydvisns, closetgrassman, koolaidyum, jb5355, Slammo, MiMedthumb, PurPleBarny209, Wavy Crocket, mc9391, imPsimon, static shock, ryerrasta, thexelement, TheDonUK, Sw33tdwill, stealthgrower, 365DaysofGrowin, RollinGanja, Ramones1234, gggpark, JaKobtheKushMan, zereshk, Bigchiefpotleaf, bstrap, Peeodee, distt, EddieNashton, andbrokenglass3, bakin420, dudeimoncoke, ImWithWhatever, Santeria420, CDub 2 Trill, Fuzzball, ammarhio, Meneks, tink21, DrSheldonCooper, pjuuuQQ, Schlotzsky, AcousticToker, Virtue 7, GUK3R, moeezy82, Madliberator, StonedProphet, stupidstuff, washedmothafuka, OUtlAnDeR, Ben Blazyn, MJUserName, YoMommaSmoking, DarkSideofHerb, The Goblin King, Big Juice, Johnny Cash, GreenLady36, illinibruin, B0rtzer, wb41, xCelticWolfx, samson32, BlitzednBlazed, InnerBlazedEye, Kushqt, pot2010, 420rowdyguy, megamax42, snowboarding420, smithysmokey, Unhinged, Cobra 420, Feelin Irie, steelsmoking, greystr0ke1, GRAND, biggz, tommyarmour, ninobrown987, TheBeatles420, oldchuck, kingsmo, higher32, 4Ridgemont4, KamelRedLight, artic, CounterCultured, CrazyDiamond20, Frenchy789, begginer667, ILoveSpaghetti, kryptogreen, LilJ86, urlove, Borus858, Poppykins, lics2grow, drewfina, AshleyRoachClip, OktoberHaze, lurkintheshadow, Danyul, TheDankDude, squidzilla, LostOnThaMoon, JuanRing, danktank 420, nb8475, ctx, Alecskates12

    Roughly 770 (Active users when the thread was made) Blades and Bladettes.

    What a rough 420.
  2. no, the mods live deep in a nuke proof bunker, we would live... me n madmike that is lol looks like the rest of us are celebrating 4/20
  3. So does my invisibility make me immune to nukes??
  4. Was i on that list?
  5. If you want to know if you were on the list, press control+F and type your username in. Then click "next" until it highlights your name on the list. If it doesn't highlight, you were there.

    Luckily for me, I just came on 10 minutes ago.

  6. I would just come back as a ghost haunting all you fuckers on this sight.

    Fucking with peoples post's and shit. That would be awesome.
  7. Somehow I was saved, even though I've had grasscity opened on a tab since last night. Does switching tabs (to something other than grasscity) make you not "active" on the list?
  8. At least I died vaping some purps.
    I died happy.

    HAPPY 4/20!
  9. at least my roaches will survive

    ba dum tss** drum noise
  10. Oh gawd, i died!?!?!?!?
  11. [​IMG]

    +10 internets to those who get the reference.
  12. and then...

    a zombie outbreak occurz. declaring everyone listed as the "living" dead
  13. Why did you quote the whole list... use your brain man.

  14. Pretty sure thats twilight zone, Uhh time enough at last or somehting??:confused:
  15. R.I.P. ghostonvacation Jan 2012-Apr. 2012

  16. you dead son...

    so am i :eek:
  17. We need a Vietnam like memorial for the victims (myself included... I guess I was the suicide bomber since I'm OP?)

  18. Word I survived

    RIP fellow blades

  19. I second this
  20. I would jump on the nuke and try to save you all

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