I wrote this song for my best friends brother who died in his sleep. I performed it at his wake. Carry On 15 years old, you were just a childSo much more life, there's no denialFuture so bright, possibilities endlessTaken in your sleep, you were defenselessYou're the lil brother I never hadBakey we miss you, we feel so sadI wish I could do summin for youBut all we can do here is mourn youYou're one boy that won't be forgottenYour legacy will last, it wont be stoppingNow, ever, or beyondIt's something that'll always live on We try to carry on, be so strongBut your not here, why do we belongOn this earth, Lord it hurtsTake away the pain, make it reverse They say everything's done for a reasonBut please God give us summin to believe inChange the clouds from black to whiteTake us back just 3 more nightsGive us a chance, just one more timeOne more moment to say good byeLet us tell you that we love youAnd that we'll always be thinking of you We try to carry on, be so strongBut your not here, why do we belongOn this earth, Lord it hurtsTake away the pain, make it reverse You were a son, a brother, and an idolNow you're in heaven with the disciples I know this wasn't in any of our plansBut Jacob now you're in God's hands
Dude RIP man that shits powerful... my condolences... wish i could say that bowl was for him... oh well there's always tomorrow...+rep on the rap man
Thanks man. ya ive smoked my share of blunts for him and poured out some liquor on the block too. he deserved it
not a big fan of rap but that was truly touching bro hopefully your boy is in a better place now. R.I.P. one love brother