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a nice stoned weekend

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Deep Roots, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. Had a good weekend, got a few nice pickups and made a new bubbler.

    First two are some homegrown dank we've been getting past few days. It's super fluffy but cheap prices

    1st: 1/4 $30; only weighed 4.5 tho but still dank

    2nd: 1/4 $30, same bud but smelled sstronger and denser nugs, only a 1/8

    ^I'm trying to get hooked up with the grower so i can get a full 1/4, I think my middle man for this bud is pinching, but its still a great price for the quality. It's a nice clean sativa high that makes you wanna get shit done:smoke: (my friends have been buying 10's all week, and they come out 1-1.3g, so if he is pinching he has a nice sack then:eek:

    Some mid, 1/4, actually came out 9g's !:hello: (different dude) Not a strong smell but taste fucking good. It surprised me.:smoke::bongin:


    and my new bubbler. It's all glass. Downstem is a large test tube with bottom punched out and the slide is a smaller tube; seals perfect. The jar is a empty bacon bits jar:D haha, I'll post a vid tomorrow if I have time.

  2. uhhhhhhh noice. def get a legit dealer.
  3. Nize schwag... and you got ripped off... even better :rolleyes:
  4. Dude shut the fuck up your always hating on other peoples bud shots all over the stash jar section of this forum no one cares what you think.:mad:. Nice Bud op the homegrown bud is always a treat love harvest time alot of homegrown where im at also every year keeps getting better and better.:smoke:
  5. no, but i just dont think that bud is picture worthy... and you post up schwag/mids too man... so i see where you're coming from :eek:
  6. #6 trazyfilth, Dec 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2011
    who are you to judge if a bud shots picture worthy your not the king come on down off your high horse man. and i buy mids theres nothing wrong with that. quit calling my bud fucking schwag. schwag is brick and dirt weed fool theres a difference . i can only get whats available to me at the time im sorry i dont live in a mmj state where name brand and dank bud is widely available i live in ky and here they are still pretty strict about weed not to mention it being illegal.
  7. and im a connoisseur that cares about true lineage/genetics. But im in the same boat as well... i take what i can get. Medical states are great... some better than others ;)

    If there isn't a bud to take a picture of.... that's when it is not picture worthy. It aint a bud shot if there arent any nuggets :D... i do see some lil nuggies that probably have a decent amount of crystals... but this bud reminds of the middy white russian my buddy grew and sold me for $135/oz... fucking suck't. It was just stem and leaf almost... no bud structure... complete fluff. :(... and he was a medical patient... his caregivers buds were so much better.

    Kentucky has some decent chronic... but yeah you guys are trailing a bit behind states like Michigan and Rhode Island... medical or decriminalization is the best way to go... i just wish it was decrimmed in my state. Over 60g in my state gets you a felony... :mad:
  8. Honestly man it is kind of annoying hearing about your name brand amazing "cheap" dank all the time though. And looks can be very deceiving I have had ok looking mids smoke better than some meds I would get straight from colorado. Just don't go hating on everyone's stuff and over 60 grams a felony? I can get thrown in jail for a quarter in my state if the cops decide they want to.
  9. Not worth it to argue about some stupid shit. Bud is bud. Smoke whatever you got and don't be a fucking snob. (general statement to everyone)

    Toke on OP. Those buds look a bit leafy, but they probably get the job done. Also interesting bubbler concept.
  10. yeah its been decriminalized here :) at least no more going to jail with a small amount. im getting killer shit right now awesome prices plus i have my own little mini skunk plant flowering at the moment when i get my little harvest ill show you some good weed buddy :p then you wont call my weed brick or whatever bullshit that you know nothing about bought some shit the other night stunk up the car while still rolled up in the bag beauty nugs off a few pounds good bags :smoke: all premium buds who gives a big shit about mmj when i got all this killer shit floating around i would prob care if i lived in a mmj but for now i could care less im happily satisfied dont judge a book by its cover you act snobby anyways just because someone dosent have a 500 dollar high definition camera to take pics to show the bud in exellent quality dosent mean that they are smoking schwag if you really think that about everyones low quality pics then your mentally disturbed. like my bud connects really give two shits about true quality and linage ive gotten shit that will fry your ass off two hits and ive also gotten bad weed in the past also.:D

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