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A Masshole's Greeting...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by VenomousNemisis, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. what's up, bub? Just gettin my hands back in the dirt again after takin a few years off because of career commitments. I've done the whole 'stealth grow' thing in the past with surprisingly impressive results. I had built a 3 stage closet and had 2 or 3 seed to veg to flower cycles. Also had great yields from a few clones I bought while attending school up in Boston. Anyways I plan on using the forum as a resource, a place to vent and bounce ideas off of you guys... I'm a veteran (Army Airborne Engineer) and currently work in an unrelated field, but you'll prolly pick up on some of the things I say and be like "wtf's wrong with this dude". Lookin forward to joinin in this wicked pissah community.

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