A man and a boy just disappeared...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by GGrass, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. I was driving down the country road and suddenly I saw a man crossing the road.

    At first I didn't notice but he was holding a boy on his side.

    A rather big boy.

    Both had no shoes, and they looked blackened from the blowing dust and the scorching sun.

    Their clothes had mud on them and the man looked extremely tired.

    All this passed by in just a few seconds. Another few seconds passed, until I could drive through the bend and stop the car.

    I looked at the mirror and watched carefully, as any minute soon, the couple will appear around the bend.

    A very strong emotion rose from the pit of my stomach.

    What to do?

    Just drive on, or do something?

    I asked myself,

    "What did you see?"

    And I answered,

    "I saw a man and a boy, who looked like father and son. Father, 40's, the boy... 10?"

    And I continued to interrogate myself.

    "What's that got to do with you?"

    "Nothing. I just thought I have a son too."

    "What were you going to do?"

    "They look like the need help. I don't know what kind of help, perhaps some money or even a bottle of water. They really need to be wearing shoes... in this hot sun, the surface of the road can get VERY hot."

    "But what makes you think they need help? They might be farmers nearby. You do know they often dip into the muddy water to catch all sorts of stuff like fish and shell, don't you? They could be just coming out of the water from net fishing."

    "That might be true. So I'm just going to ask the man if he needs help. Then I'll decide what I'll do next."

    And I waited... and I waited... but they never appeared. So I backed up my car the way I came from, and suprisingly the couple was gone!


    I mean, there is no other road... or anywhere else they could go to... It's either they've disappeared into thin air, or else they went into the bush...

    There was a bush area... where long grass grew... where the ground is flooded... may be they went in there... but no human can walk through there... there's just... too much grass... and insects... and it's hot ... humid... snakes ... it's just impossible.

    I don't know... may be they went into the little hut I saw nearby... but I thought they were... homeless people. They didn't look like the local farmers... the local farmers look MUCH better than they did...

    Anyway... they just disappeared.

  2. I'll have what he's having.

    crazy story dude, creepy
  3. The road looks like this.


    I mean,I really saw them. Otherwise I wouldn't have stopped. It took me awhile to completely stop the car coz I was not sure if I should stop or go. A bit hesitant.

    I'd like to think they went into the nearby hut.

    I don't want to think they waded through the swamp.
  4. whoaaa..that's crazy. sooo many scenarios are running through my mind right now! :O
  5. 5 minute prior to this incident, I smoke a half joint of OK quality ganja. Still fresh... I only bought it last week... I kept it in good shape so it was still delicious.

    But I'm not the kind of person who hallucinates... I really saw what I saw.

    But what I am not sure is that if they were really homeless people as I thought at first.

    May be they were local farmers who just happened to pass by...

    What this incident has done to me is

    1. Question what you saw
    2. Don't take such a long time before you decide you're going to help or not. Be more... precise.
  6. reading this gives me a weird feeling:(
  7. It is weird. And creepy.

    What just happened?


    What am I supposed to learn from it?

    Was it even real?

    It was real enough for me to stop the car, check my wallet to see if I had any cash, and I thought about the two water bottles I had in the car, and I thought about a pair of sandals I had in the back of the car that the man could wear, and I noticed a pair of my kid's shoes in the car, that I thought might fit the boy...

    I even counted that I had 900 Baht in my wallet, and I practiced in my mind how I'm going to approach the man without scaring him.

    I thought about giving them a ride to wherever it is that they're going... to a bus terminal... or train station...

    I hoped to hear the man say that he's run out of money and he's trying to go home in the country side...

    I hoped to hear the man say that only if he had the money for a pair of bus tickets or train tickets, he could go home... where his folks are.

    I hoped that my help would save a man and a boy from dying on the side of the road.

    I hoped that I would save lives.

    But there were no lives to be saved.

    It seems everything was just a figment of my imagination...
  8. The obvious answers are:
    1.) The man and the boy were never really there, the3y were just a figment of your high imagination.
    2.) The man and the boy were real but ventured into the brush.
    3.) The man and the boy were real but found shelter in the hut.

    I find the 2nd to be the most likely since (smart) homeless people tend to build their shelters in the thick brush to avoid attention as well as the heat. If so I wouldn't worry too much since anyone who has the confidence to wade through there with their son probably knows how to deal with the bugs and snakes. ;)
  9. reading this high was fun, thanks :smoking:
  10. I'm thinking my mind would be so fucked up right now if I was
    GGrass...poor GGrass.
  11. Good theory there, buddy... and your choice #2 is plausible one... the homeless people can find home wherever they are... but I'll go with number 1. I hate to think our society is SO rotten that there are humans living like that.

    It happened while high... so I guess it's appropriate reading it high... :smoke:

    I really was mind fucked... very hard.

    But I'm ok now. I don't think I need to see the doctor... afraid he might put me away. Thanks for your kind concerns!
  12. That's pretty crazy.
    I always enjoy a good mystery.
  13. maybe they went to the beach. TO SAND.

    anyway thanks for listening guys. thanks.

    TO SAND.

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