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a little help?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MOPSTaR, Feb 10, 2002.

  1. i just bout a bar(9 oz)of resin(im from ireland and dats all we get here,some weed sometimes but its SHIT)any way the time had come to chop it,but me house is under work at the mo and are cooker is gone,so i used the micro wave,it wasnt pretty but i got it into oz's.i then went and put one of the O's in the micro wave to chop it into 1/4's.this is when the shit hit the van,cut it in half,it starts to crumble,onr half oz was ok,so i tryed to chop dat in 2,and my god it was horrible.anyway,any1 know how to chop O's quick and nice without an 1 suggest a knive,plz.cherrs

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