A horror story I thought Id share

Discussion in 'General' started by OneEyedFrank, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. My aunt and uncle both smoke. A few years ago, my uncle bought some weed, about an ounce. He decided the best place to store it was in an empty pizza box, and to put the box in the fridge. A day or two later, my aunt was cleaning the house. She saw the pizza box, not knowing what was inside. Without checking it, she threw it in the garbage.

  2. Was it Mexican weed?

  3. I don't know what kind it was.
  4. That is tragic. Thank's for ruining my day.
  5. Why would he hide it?
  6. i shit my pants
  7.  He was trying to hide it, he just thought that would be a good place to store it and didn't tell my aunt.
    Did I mention they can both be a bit ditzy sometimes?

  8. We know he was TRYING to hide it.

    We want to know WHY he was hiding it?

    if your aunt and uncle both smoke he could of just put it in the bedroom or wherever their normal stash spot is. They DO have a normal stash spot don't they? I thought they were universal.
    I don't think he was, honestly, but that's just me.
    As for whether or not they have a normal stash spot, I don't know.

  10. Wrong thread?
    no, i was so scared from the horror story of OP
  12. LOL ditzy and weed storage don't go together well.
  13. A girlfriend that I was shacking up with once accidentally threw out a bag containing a lot of weed and other various drugs that I'd had.  I retrieved it from the garbage disposal room before it was destroyed.    Your aunt and uncle weren't so lucky, that is a horrible thing to happen unless they were able to replace it easily.    
  14. this happened few years ago and you're only now telling the story. You must have been greatly affected.
  15. I know
  16. hate shit like that.  when i lived in my first apartment i hid a bag of dank and totally coulnt remember where it was....i gave up looking for it.  like 3 months later when i was dry and no one was pickin up i cleaned the hell out of my apartment and found it in an empty cigarette pack!  woot! i was so happy.  this sort of contrasts your story. lol

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