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A Highschool reflection

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by CanadianLady420, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. I keep a lot of books and papers in a large tote from my past. I had decided to sift through it today and came across my old art binder with my arts and crafts course notes.

    I have came across a note that flooded back memories of the first time I was way too stoned in school My eyes were burning, red, and my mind was going 100% faster than usual.

    In that class we were learning about hemp and would be making bracelets and keychains (no joke)...

    This is the note:

  2. I love going through my senior yearbook and looking at what everyone wrote
  3. nice drawing i got a box of old stuff like notebooks/report cards/etc that my parents kept
  4. I burned all my stuff from elemntary school and middle school at the end of every year

  5. Never make it to high school? :D

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