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A highly unusual experience

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ghostembodied, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. A while back I had an experience with a tincture that I can't really explain. I made the tincture with about an ounce of trim and sugar trim that I'd been saving for a while. There was a little bud in it but not a lot. After decarbing, it soaked in ~12oz Golden Grain for a month or more. After straining I reduced it to about 2oz. I didn't reduce it more because it was thick and oily already and I didn't want to make it any harder to transfer. About 11am and on an empty stomach I took this double shot of ethanol and oil. Swallowing the oil was not unlike swallowing a large lugi hacked up from a bad cold.

    I felt no appreciable effects beyond a bit of an alcohol buzz. After a couple hours I decided it was a bust and mixed a drink with some left over Golden Grain. The rest of the day was pretty normal. That night, about 7pm and right as we were getting the kids ready for bed, I suddenly started tripping. It was an unusual sort of tripping. Different from anything I've experienced with what one might call "traditional" psychedelics. There was a similar kind of spatial and temporal dilation but no real visuals apart from that. The feeling is difficult to describe. I saw things in a spiritual context. I could see the spirits in my wife and children and pets. Not visually but, perhaps, empathically. This effect lasted the rest of the night and rendered me completely useless for bedtime.

    I'm a daily smoker. I've had tinctures before and edibles too, even to the point of being way too high once, but I've never experienced anything like this. I've got another tincture ready, made the same way but this time with 8g of good bud. It's a similar reduction, 10oz to 2oz, but there's no oil floating in it like last time. I'm interested to see how it goes.

    But really, the craziest part, to me, is the way it went from zero to tripping balls so suddenly after 8 hours of nothing.
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  2. Thanks for sharing. I've had an edible take three hours to come on ,but never seven! It sounds like an awesome experience. You must really love your wife, children, and pets to see their spirits. I think that part of the experience comes from deep love.
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  3. When this happens it's unnerving for sure. I'm a daily edible oil user and very experienced in it but even I've been taken off guard. Usually it's after a large meal that I'll suddenly find I'm way over the line I was aiming for.
    I'll break out in a full body sweat and can't walk unassisted. Laying down flat will ease the symptoms and they fade after an hour or so.
    It's taught me to avoid large amounts of food when well dosed on oil. ( skip that 2nd and 3rd plates at the holidays)

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  4. #4 ghostembodied, Dec 14, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
    You're welcome. And thank you. It was very interesting. I would have enjoyed it more if I had been expecting it. My wife would have too. She was irritated at my sudden uselessness with the kids right when she was needing my help lol
    My kids actually became quite impish without me "there" to provide a stabilizing energy. And perhaps fed by my wife's negative energy at that moment. I could hear the imp distorting their voices. See it disfiguring their faces. It was unnerving. I didn't take it as any sinister sign but rather just a heightened awareness of what's always there; in all of us but most easily seen in children. Much like the Golem/Smeagol character from The Lord of the Rings, which is a picture of the struggle in each of our hearts.

    Glad to know it can happen to veterans too. So you're saying that eating after dosing can also potentiate the effects? I wouldn't have guessed that. I did go on to eat two meals that day after having dosed. I'll definitely keep the laying down trick in mind if it happens again as well. I recall that going to bed helped but I hadn't made the connection to lying down. I just thought I was coming down and being in a warm bed was nice.

    Honestly, this was so different from any experience I've had with cannabis, edible or smoked, that I really didn't think that's what it was. Especially given how much time had passed. It felt more like Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds or something along those lines but without any significant visuals. I'd never eaten oil before but regular edibles make me feel foggy and slow, especially when they're too strong. This was clean and clear. Like a psychedelic. The only reason I came to the conclusion it was the cannabis was that I couldn't explain it any other way. The tincture was made mostly from leaves and stems and it made me wonder if the foliage might have properties that aren't commonly known. I assume that's probably not the case but it did make me wonder.

    Thank you both for the input!
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  5. @ghostembodied 11 Hydroxy THC. it took that time for 11 hydroxy to build up and your awareness at the time and/ or the love Vibe too ..
    But, Citicoline is used to decrease over active THC effects. use 3 to 5 times more citicoline than the amount of THC consumed. peppercorns too can reduce THC effects on the fly. chew on one or two whole peppercorns.
    Citicoline blocks Acetylcholine. peppercorn has beta caryophyllene that selectively agonizes cb2 receptor

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