a good friend laced my weed several months ago, should i be friends with him again?

Discussion in 'General' started by Captin K, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Basically some "powder" got in the baggie and it laced the weed to the point my friend was tweaking out the whole night

    i only felt the other drug alittle cause i only took 2-3 hits until i realized it was laced

    called him up he gave me my money back and offered too smoke me up on a fat g

    i declined kicked him out my place never spoke to him again

    fast forward now i keep hearing about him, curious on what hes up too my other friend says it was an accident and i should still talk too him

    originally he told me he wasnt looking when putting it in the baggie and there was left over stuff that got mixed
  2. the title is ironic " a good friend laced my weed"  People change, seems your curious about your friend. see whats up..def should discuss it. :)
  3. It sounds like it was a mistake. He did refund you And offer to smoke you out. Accidents happen dude, no one was hurt, forgive him.
  4. Why would he lace your weed unless you paid him extra?  White powder aint free to just go sprinkling on bags of weed.  
  5. #5 i liketrees, Jul 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2013
    i'd say you were definitely right to get pissed off.  i know i can't fucking stand it when people try to get others high on substances without informing them.  that's how people freak out and have panic attacks and shit.  

    that said, if you're optimistic, it sounds like your friend either thought you'd be alright with it, or it was a legitimate mistake (doubtful, but you know him better than i do).  the way he handled the situation when you confronted him seemed like he didn't have bad intentions.

    personally, i try never to associate with people that do these types of things, since it means i can't really trust them.  but i don't think this is always the case.  you know this friend better than the rest of us, and if this was a one time deal (and he was actually a good friend outside of that incident) then i'd say give him a second chance.  after all, people can change.
    some people actually do get legitimate enjoyment out of getting their friends fucked up.  i've seen it happen- they're trying to have a great time, they figure a little something "extra" would be good for everyone.  friends being the keyword.  it's not like this guy just laced some random bag he sold to someone he doesn't know
  6. Lol this.
  7. I say give him a chance but if he is still sketchy....cut him off
  8. You're lucky you got laced weed.  I'd pay more for that shit.
  9. why is this even a fucking question? good friends dont lace other friends weed. that does not make the person a good fucking friend. 

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