A dream and 10 years in the making, from USA to NL, I'm finally growing outdoors.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by OutdoorGreen, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. It all started 10 years ago, in America, a boy in college just introduced to MJ and became fascinated. I dived into this forum and just kept reading about growing. I became hooked on the idea of growing, I soon became interested in wanting to grow mushrooms. Neither things ever panned out for me due to living conditions and location.

    Well fast forward 10 years, I'm in the Netherlands and with a nice large property outdoors. I am treating this year as my trial run for the next coming year where I will create a massive greenhouse. My current greenhouse is a budget build that cost around €30 ( I will have to get measurements)

    My current seeds are in the process of germinating. I'm starting with Auto Feminized Bubble Gum.

    My nutrient will be a budget grow until the following year but I'm going to take this grow as a great learning experience and take you guys on the ride with photos in the coming weeks. Any questions just ask.

    Hope you have a nice day.
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  2. Why autos?
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  3. Way to go! Autos are kinda small. Why not plant some big trees outside?
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  4. What the fuck? Lol dude I did the same thing. However I just moved across America from DC to Humboldt County, CA. Also grow both too love mycology .
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  5. Don't listen to the people above. Autos are Top

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  6. No they aren't. I grew one outdoors because it was a freebie. All the seedlings towered over it about 8ft tall.
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  7. IMO autos are fine for experienced growers but if you don't have the conditions right in the beginning many autos will start flowering when they're 6 inches tall. Photo plants are more forgiving and if you're growing inside you can decide when your plants flower. I've seen some beautiful autos and have even grown a couple of nice ones, they are great if you're growing outside and want your plants to ripen in early summer but what's the advantage of growing autos inside?
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  8. I can agree that they flower fast, but if you have so many, Does it matter?

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  9. If you end up with the bud you want then it wouldn't matter how you got there. I still don't understand the advantage of growing autos inside. There must be an advantage because so many people apparently do it so I'd like to know what it is.
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  10. Depends on your situation. If you are out of horizontal space, you might want taller plants. Also many people are limited in the number of plants they can grow. Dunno about the Netherlands... I just like giant plants...
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  11. They don't get too tall and flower whatever the photoperiod is. Both good traits for indoors imo
  12. Well damn, I wasn't expecting such replies. Hope everyone is doing great.

    I've been out of the loop for a long time and am re-learning all over again. It's trial and error at the moment for me. I went with Autos because I didn't really want a big yield my first year. I wanted to figure out a good % of the issues from my first grow over before I just start popping trees down. Also the greenhouse is not very large so it's nice for me.

    I have a great location for the greenhouse (regarding sunlight) however, I do have a neighbor despite being in the dutch version the wilderness. It's not 100% legal but it's not going to get torn down 99% of the time.

    My biggest questions to everyone. Once my seeds germinate I want to basically put them in big pots and let them grow outside considering I can't grow anything inside at the moment. No space.

    I'm particularly worried about sun damage from being so damn hot. How serious is this of an issue going forward? Considering they will be growing out of pots and not directly into the soil, I can move them from the sun and take them out of the greenhouse if the heat is too high. I'm thinking 30c is probably getting too hot, however, it's going to be getting even warmer not much but some days. Most is 20-26c outside the green.
  13. Yeah, those could be selling points but they could also be faults.
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  14. You never know what direction a thread will take. Sometimes you have to refocus it back to whatever concerns you, like you did. I can't answer you because I've never grown outside in pots but I'm sure someone will.
  15. Couldn't help myself, started a 3rd plant.

    My 2 seeds I started germinating 2 days ago are going well, 1 is slightly cracked and the other is showing a larger crack with a taproot slowly coming out.
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  16. The parts of the plant above ground will do just fine in direct sun as long as they are accustomed to strong sunlight. I can't help you with how heat affects the roots in the pot as I haven't grown that way.
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  17. Im going to grab 2-3 barrier pots Should the roots cool down. What do you think?

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  18. Keeping the sun off the pots will help a lot I'm sure but I don't know how the roots will react when the outside temp is 105F in the shade. They may do just fine but I don't know. I don't even know what a barrier pot is. Sorry I can't help you with that. If I was doing it I'd give it a try and see.
  19. Essentially a pot for your pot to set in. Typically decorative.

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  20. My little setup for germination. Going well.

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