A ''confessional ''thread::: Have you jumped off the obama bandwagon?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by chicken, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Huh ?

  2. sorry baked.....:smoke:
  3. That cool, it was just freakin me out for a minute.:smoke:
  4. racist

  5. i think the word you were looking for is......politically correct..

    but anyone who speaks out against this guy,,,,

    well racist is the first thing strew forth by a lot of lips..

    real weak,,,,
  6. And thats how hes going to win.
  7. [​IMG]
  8. i had a conversation with my parents the other day, the morning after Barack got the nomination.

    and they were talking about how momentous it is to have somebody other than a caucasian male have a chance to be elected. .

    but i feel like, "who cares?"

    its not whats important its just distracting. .

    in fact the whole election is just a distraction.

    this entire machine is just a distraction
  9. anyone see Obamas speech a couple of nights ago? I gotta admit, I have my doubts about him, but damn. He gave an amazing speech.
  10. its not hard to speak the words of a wiser man like they are your own,

    i wonder if he writes his own material,

    or is he the carlos mencia of politrickin?
  11. His Nuremberg Rally had the potential to blow up in his face or really help his cause. In the end, the only people who could be impressed by a speech with such little substance but so much hype are those who had already made up their minds.

    And Mr. Ounces- I believe I've read that he writes his own.
  12. Yes Barack Obama is;

    1. A Closeted Muslim
    2. Israel's pawn
    3. A closted Marxist
    4. The second coming of Hitler
    5. Elitist Intellectual
    6. Not qualified to read intelligence reports
    7. Only Able To Make Speeches
    8. Not Able To Write Speeches
    9. The second coming of Christ
    10. The Anti Christ

    Plenty of room for debate?

    Lets Hope that John McCain just keeps up the negativity, because he is one poor dead fish in the stagnant water of Joe Bonnano's koi pond. And he found a woman to run with, so he can start cheating on his wife again, while he's at work.

    Better mafioso, than ??????

    Why follow a fascist with a gangsta? What's going to be left to steal when Bush leaves the country?

    We can't just keep raising the Debt ceiling forever, these guys are going to have to make due with 6 trillion dollars they have 'appropriated' out the backdoor to their friends in the greater Dubai area.

    I think I may be driving Obama's bandwagon soon. You're welcome to stage dive off it if you like, but all that's waiting for you is more neocon engineered disasters.

    adios ,dude!
  13. Tell that to his speechwriter...


  14. Well your either voting for the guy thats going to keep things in the fucked up state that it is now and fuck everyone over, or your going to vote for the guy that is going to fuck over the rich.I think I am going to go with the second choice.

  15. Whether you like it or not, the rich feed you. Take away some of their bread, they take away some of yours.

    The solution to the economy is not taxation, but liberation. Funny how neither candidate talks about cutting any significant spending in government, then we could actually lower taxes and give people more money to live.
  16. Then why is Wall Street backing Obama more than McCain, you give wealth back to the working class and they buy more products. You ever heard of the term, you got to spend money to make money. This tactic worked for Clinton and Kennedy, "It's not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Kennedy was definetly endorsing the idea of spending your hard earned cash. Republicans have been cutting taxes less and less, because we have so many programs that need to be paid for, which is not there fault.

  17. My point was that the price of products would rise more significantly than any relief on the working class would help them.

    And Wall Street is backing Obama because he is another typical politician who will continue to fund the corporatocracy through government expansion. You think he'll pull through on his plan to tax the rich? Wall Street is betting against it...

  18. Do you really believe this is true? This administration has spent more money then any administration before it.

    How can there still be people in this country who believe that the Republicans are all about helping the middle class. How many years of republican economies will it take before people realize that trickle down economics DOES NOT WORK.
  19. You represent conventional wisdom.

    Are you a keynsian or something?

    The boom-cycle Clinton rode shrunk the middle class, opposed to Reagan where the median income rose. Only the top 20% benefited, and after his artificial lending and excessive credit caught up with the economy, his 8 years of growth was lost in a single year. The big movers who knew the crash was coming bail out, or get bailed out, and the little guys suffer.

    We are in the economic-mess we are in now because of the dot-com crash, which wouldn't have existed without keynsian policy under Greenspan. The dot-com crash led to the housing market crash, and Bush's regime has only furthered the damage.

    I'm not saying Republican supply-side theory is good, but Democratic economics is no different. Its all the same fractional-reserve lending system which perpetuates the boom-bust cycle.
  20. I guess shit talks and bullshit hits the fan then

    to the other guy that quoted me, cutting taxes could of worked if so many programs weren't created, the reason why the republican plans never work is because we are turning into a socialist country, constantly giving out handouts. Which isn't a bad thing, but you got to look at both sides of the coin.

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