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911 Dispatcher Tells Woman About To Be Sexually Assaulted There Are No Cops To Help Her Due To Budget Cuts

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, May 25, 2013.

    When it comes down to it YOU are responsible for YOUR SAFETY. The Police HAVE NO LEGAL OBLIGATION to protect you. If this woman had a gun she would not have been sexually assaulted. Own a gun or be a victim its a simple as that.. 

  2. #2 Lockout, May 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2013
    Surely this case doesn't qualify as an X-File, Mulder. Is there something else you want to tell us? I have a sneaky suspicion that you have a hidden interest in this case...
  3. Wheres the damn rep button? Indeed. All women should own a gun and be properly trained marksmen if they do not wish to be brutalized.
  4. #4 Turin, May 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2013
    A gun isn't really a safe button ,you can still be assaulted if you're taken by surprise or the crook is intelligent and skillful enough to take the weapon or any other weapon. She would have had a better chance, but I don't blame her.
  5. But it sure as hell is better than nothing.
    Hell of alot better than a damn rape whistle.
    I've been wondering the same thing. Where's the rep button? I have about 3 people that I need to give rep to.
  8. Already said she would have had a better chance.
  9. #9 dubstepping23, May 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2013
    Its still a shame she was assaulted and budget cuts prevented her from getting help. The police are there to help and not everyone needs to have a fucking gun thats the problem in america.
  10. I don't blame her. One she shouldn't have to carry a gun to be safe, (its just a sad fact), two politicians have made it difficult even extremely difficult to obtain a concealed carry permit, even being required  to get a safety permit is unconstitutional. 
  11. The police are the ones who should be disarmed along with all other government thugs. 
  12. #12 NasaJoe, May 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2013
    please dont give me the sad budget cut excuse when Obama's war budget has barely been touched by these very same budget cuts.. Obama's war budget is larger than George W. Bushes.. Obama's priorities are severely out of whack if these budget cuts are manifesting themselves in these types of situations. 
  13. YOLO unleashed. 
  14. I hate when people say guns are a problem. More are killed by knives yearly. Anything kills, screwdrivers, cars, alcohol. Banning anything creates problems. Look at the drug war.. Now imagine a war on guns.
  15. wow that's fucking pathetic, why not trim a little bit off the war budget so that they can employe cops to protect people so that this type of shit doesn't happen. it's shit like this that makes me want to give up on society, and it's only getting worse year after year.
  16. I read the headline and thought this was Detroit, not Oregon.

    Ladies, always carry mace/pepper spray, or even better a taser if its legal because some men need to be put the fuck down, and when they're down kick them as hard as you can in their dick.
  17. #17 RippedMonk, May 25, 2013
    Last edited: May 25, 2013
    You have some statistics to back up that claim?  In some countries there are more knife deaths than gun deaths, but very few.  Here in the US, far more are killed by guns than knives...that's always been the case.
    and yet, more people were killed last year with hammers than assault weapons.
    i think guns are only used more often because they are so common here in america, but also because they're easier to kill with.
    Well first off, I assume we are talking about the U.S.  There were certainly more deaths by assault weapons in the world last year than by hammers.  He never indicated if he was talking globally or US when he said knives kill more people each year than firearms.  You make good points but they don't support his claim in anyway.
  20. You have some statistics to back up that claim? In some countries there are more knife deaths than gun deaths, but very few. Here in the US, far more are killed by guns than knives...that's always been the case.

    </blockquote>^ asks for data, provides none of his own.

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