9 plants, 1 doesn't look promising. Keep or not??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Trichomecentral21, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. 4×4×6 grow room
    1100 watts HPS
    T5 432 watt flourescent lamps
    CO2 ducted in
    Grown in ccean forest fox farm soil
    9 plants
    1 is unlike all the others, tall and not bushy. Doesnt look like it have much yield. Considering the small grow space, would it be of more benefit to remove the plant and let the others have more light and space to themselves, so they can flourish. Is it possible to expect more yield in a way? Thoughts? Keep it or lose it?
  2. Well that's too many plants to start with in that space

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