9/11 Commission told not to "cross" a "line"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aaronman, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission of line it should not cross

    in addition: 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as based on Government lies

    What a sham.
  2. Its pretty dam pathetic to be honest :/

    So many lies and cover ups our govt does, goddamit its sickening

  3. Come on, we all know its a conspiracy:rolleyes:
  4. :rolleyes:

  5. The Federal government did conspire and sent a letter response to the 9/11 Commission putting them in their place. If that's what you're saying? :confused:

    ACLU CIA Files

    Go to pages 27-30 to see the Commission's request for information from the suspects.

    Go to pages 25-26 to see the level of approval required for the response, which was a flat no.

  6. I just get bored with this, i mean it's a conspracy, the whole fucking world knows it but what can we do, invade?

    You are talking about the USA man and they nuked 2 cities to stop a war that had already ended, do you really think anyone except the american people are going to do anything about that government.

    And that won't happen cos the only people stupid enough to help you were communists and we know what you think of them.

    Next time they'll just get someone to do the report who won't tell the truth, ever.

  7. Yes because the Japanese weren't going to fight TO THE TEETH.

    Do you know what militant buddhism does for a fighting nation? You remember the samarui? Those banzai charges in ww2? They were not fun and games.

    Had we actually decided to invade Japan the cost in soldiers lives would have been astronomical.

    We warned them of actions to be taken. Hell after the first bomb they even KNEW exactly what the second one would do and they still did not surrender.

    To surrender is to show shame, and that would be unbearable. -For some, Japan is slowly moving away from that.

    So don't give crap saying about those bombs.

    They were necessary.

    The war was NOT over. Until we ended it ;)
  8. It was necessary to kill 180,000 civilians in the blink of an eye; to level two whole cities, to destroy any and all economy those cities had, and to fuck up generations to come with radiation in the water and air? Some people got up to sixteen different types of cancer man.

    atomic bomb
  9. #9 KeeneGreen, Mar 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2010
    It's wiki answer's so take it with a grain of salt, but I remember my history books saying roughly the same thing.

    "Japanese casualties have been quoted in history books to be as high as over one million casualties had an invasion taken place. Allied (US primarily) casualties had been estimated from 500,000 to a million casualties, depending upon who was speaking.
    Had an invasion taken place, another year or two may have been needed to bring WW2 to a close."

    They were NOT going to surrender. It goes against their entire moral code. Bushido was still doing pretty well for them, tagged alongside militant fanaticism.

    And they were pretty bad. They did awful things to POW's. Much worse then us, before you get started.

    The worst prison camps. Hitler at least obeyed whatever convention it was, except with the Russians, because they didn't comply with it either.

    And had we gone with an invasion? These things don't just clean up. It's not like their isn't huge collateral damage in a land invasion. Look at the pummeling German endured we put them back in time practically, destroying factories and everything necessary as a nation to produce. Apart from the casualties you have tanks, and planes, and soldiers on your soil now. Most of the cities would have been reduced to rubble because of fighting, just as many civilians would have died, probable more. We would have had to fight our way up the island, and most everything would have been destroyed as opposed to 2 cities.

    Do I like the fact that it had to happen?

    Had another option been available?

    Maybe for someone other then the Japanese. Surrender is to shame yourself, to live with unbearable shame is well... unbearable. Death is preferred. Hence many of them fought to the death in banzai charges rather then get captured.

    I stand by what I said, it was necessary.
  10. So, because they won't surrender, we need to bomb them into submission killing hundreds of thousands of innocents. If only I could accept this as "necessary."

    Yea, we definitely didn't force tens of thousands of Japanese Americans into internment camps even though many of them were US citizens. Did the Japanese do anything like that (sending tens of thousands of innocents into camps for nothing other than where their parents were born)?

    Yes, we had to nuke them. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    Yes, when fighting an enemy army that won't surrender, we need to bomb their innocent civilians. :rolleyes:

  11. The reasoning behind the nukes on Japan were more along the lines of todays shock and awe tactics and as vitamin 420 says with 180,000 civilian casualties and areas that i sure as hell wouldn't want to live anywhere near even today, it was going too far.

    It's the same government that invaded afghanistan because of the world tradecenter and Iraq because of WMD's only this time it seems they had to engineer the pretext to flex their miltary muscles.

  12. As opposed to attacking their homeland and killing more civilians? Along with more soldiers and more of our dead soldiers... YES.

    I'm pretty sure the Japanese surrender was their ultimate reasoning. When you have a country full of people who will not surrender until death, your options are a little limited.

  13. Like Afghanistan you mean?
  14. Did I even mention Afghanistan? In any of my posts? :confused:
  15. Yes, those people who died after the initial bombing due to radiation and the general aftermath of a nuclear attack shouldn't be counted or remembered as victims of the attacks.

    This is obviously the choice we had: either attack them by use of nuclear weapons or attack them by use of more conventional methods.
  16. you have to be joking I consider myself to be pretty liberal but the level of ignorance and white guilt is unbearable in this forum you all think that big bad America is coming to destroy the world especially in Europe but the Japanese were assholes that were worse that Hitler for god sakes read about the rape of Nanjing, or how they used Australian POW's as there primary food source in the south pacific, or the officers seeing who could kill a hundred civilians first. Even if they did surrender we were still justified in vaporizing them.
  17. :laughing:
  18. #18 KeeneGreen, Mar 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2010
    Do you not understand WW2? Or anything pertaining to the pacific front? They would not surrender, THEY brought us into the war via a terrorist attack, Pearl Harbor, EVEN WHILE PRETENDING TO MAKE PEACE TREATIES WITH US. What other solution would you have in mind? They would not surrender, nor stop their expansions.

    At that time they were a society based on militant fanaticism. Through in some Buddhist ideas and their idea of "shame" and you got some problems.
  19. Another fine example of how our gov't is a joke Bush or no Bush administration. Depressing really.
  20. Its hard to take this thread seriously when most of you are completely mangling history to fit your delusions.

    Like I said man, these guys hate this country and need to revise history in order to justify it.

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