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79-85 degrees too hot for grow box?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by jus_chillin, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. #1 jus_chillin, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
    I setup a 2' x 3' x 5' grow box with a 250w MH light in a closet.

    The room is hot and the temperature in the grow box stays between 79-85 degrees / 50-60% humidity (with lights off)

    Is this suitable for vegetative growth?

    I still need to build the hydro system but am worried about the temperature being a problem and am trying to remedy that before I continue.

    I am considering creating an intake with ducting to the room's window to suck cooler air from outside or possibly setting up a small AC unit.

    Are these temperatures a really big problem? How can I most efficiently remedy this problem?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. how much hotter will it get with the light on???? I would recommend some type of ac unit or fresh air intake.......85 is max get any higher and your plants will not want to grow as much in the you and i when it get over 30c, id rather sit in my ac'd house and do nothing too....make sense....... key is air flow...cooler the better...
  3. with a few fans and a good intake and exhaust system you should be good. Is your light air cooled? if not you could try to make a cooltube for it and that would help keep the temp down.
  4. Run a 24-48 hour test with the lights on in you Grow chamber and see how much exactly temps rise and humidity changes! Let me know because I've had a similar question...
  5. You could pull off doing your whole grow in there with some L.S.T... SOG maybe?!?!
  6. sog is the way too go! Dr.bud's thread was a ton of help with that.

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