750mg DXM Tripping/Live Report

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Typewritermonky, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. Taking a DXM seems like a good thing right about now. Thanks for the inspiration and enjoy it. GOOOOOD VIIIIBBEBEBBS

  2. Im gonna go smoke a bowl now.
  3. Oh, just wait buddy. At around 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes it'll hit you like a train. Go lay down, turn off the lights, and get out your iPod. Trust me when I say you will NOT want to be on the computer and wasting your beautiful trip to report back here.
  4. Everybody here is a blade. It's Grasscity! So a city of grass would be comprised of its individual blades of grass
  5. damn that woulda been some crazy shit if you popped that roll.

    have fun!
  6. wow. never would have thought of that, even if was higher than i am now.

    i need a drink or something.
  7. OP get some headphones! Seriously. DXM tends to do some funny things with music. For example if I close my eyes while robotripping the music will get completely expansive, like it is surrounding me completely from my head to my toes, and the body high will get INTENSE, but as soon as I open my eyes the music all goes to my head. Pretty weird feeling, but awesome to play around with.
  8. Good shit man. I love live reports but like stoner said, dont let updating us take you away from your trip. I hope you find what your looking for.

    Ive always been kinda interested in dxm, but never taking. I was about to one night with my friend. He downed two bottles of the robogels, I was gonna wait awhile till he started trippin to down mine. He threw up all over my car and like 10ft away from a cop car. Not to mention he was wayy fucked up and could like barely function (somehow still pulled off like a perfect lie to his parents) But he said he hated it so I never did my bottle. He couldnt communicate worth shit to me. But I might try it sometime, i just really hate throwin up, so idk.

    But thats some funny shit about the shirt lol, I sent you a friend request.

    And p.s. a blade is a member of GRASScity, Like a blade of grass.
  9. T+ 0:50: Smoked a bowl of some Sour Deisel, two bowls and I'm wayyy melted. Also, was I always so damn tall? I feel like my room is either hella small or I'm hella tall. Uggh those underlines that Safari does is so damn annoying but by typing more im just creating more aghh!!!!!
  10. Do headphones really make a difference? I have a god damned good sound system.
  11. Hahaha yeah those are called Lilliputian hallucinations. Everything seems to get way smaller or way bigger. They're crazy.
  12. All I have to say is YES. YES. YES.

    Get the headphones, sooooo much better.
  13. Haha DXM really messes with your depth perception. Later on you'll actually be able to look up at your ceiling and watch it grow grow grow.

    Smoke some weed once you hit the peak, probably in another hour. Weed and DXM is by far the most synergistic drug combo IMO
  14. Alright I'll smoke fat bowls at peak.

    T+ 0:55 Its been about an hour and I am feeling it. Why do oranges taste like pure ass? Listening to some Snoop Dogg feeling like a boss. Have you ever wondered who came up with accents for spanish? Did the guy who invented the language bring it to the mexico god and the god was like "No! To much like english! Make different!" So over random letters he just drew accents? Just danced to much and started to feel a bit noxious.
  15. Haha uhhhh is that a real question? Spanish developed out of Latin, which was the lingua franca of Europe when English began to be developed...although our grammar is heavily influenced by the Germanic languages, which is why it's so hard to learn. So it makes sense that English and Spanish would have similar sounding words :p

  16. T+ My Ass: God your such a cunning linguist.
  17. well first off just how many gods do you think god needs to help him?
  18. Haha man. If you're feeling a bit nauseous go lay down. It's likely that you'll throw up and then be tripping balllllllllllllllssss

  19. head 'splosion.
  20. Dude, stop getting so spiritual on the guy. Religion itself is a bore but you gotta try to do that to him while he's tripping? Give him a break, he's having fun and you're being serious about Jesus or something. Lol.

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