7 weeks

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Malikswann20, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. She is seven weeks I'm going to try for a longer veg I'm tempted now to flip as she is ready and the mint julep auto has already begun to preflower she's entering week four almost I have the bottom branches tied down to get them more light I did very little training because I didn't want to stress this girl out I lost one plant to transplanting and the other where some bagseed that didn't make it 20230301_074838.jpg 20230301_074842.jpg 20230301_074828.jpg 20230301_062315.jpg 20230301_062420.jpg

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  2. what are you feeding the big one? She's starting to show that she's 'full' and doesn't want to 'eat' more for a bit.
  3. i have been following you a while now and to be honest you are having some bad luck but there must be other issues i feel bad you deserve a good harvest that 7 week old should be 5 times that size by now next run get 50 seeds if you must and fill that darn tent all the way up wall to wall then something should pop for you I mean if you cant make bare minimum 1 ounce a month out of a tent you are better off just buying weed that being said your auto is looking great start 3 or 4 more now because that photo will be flowering alone otherwise
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  4. growing autos and photos together ..How's that gonna work?
  5. Lotus nutrients I gave her a feeding 2 weeks ago forgot to measure but haven't given any more since trying to lay off the nutrients so I don't burn them

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  6. Yeah I've been having the worst luck want to give up but I've tasted the benefits of growing your own weed and cannot I tried for 4 plant 3 died I was left this one my first 4 grows grew tall but I changed to these airpots think it might be that

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  7. Well the auto is preflower and it's just a matter of time before I flip the other autos don't depend on light schedule so they should flower around the same time

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  8. i never tried airpots i am going back to 5 gallon buckets this time

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