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600 HPS in 2x2x5' grow tent

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Lawlerskates, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. #1 Lawlerskates, Apr 18, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    Hey guys do you think a 600w HPS (can toggle to 300w,450w) would be hard to keep in check heat wise for a 2x2x5' tent? In the winter I could easily keep the temperatures in check but Summer might put some heat stress on my plants. The tent is in a closet and I'll have a 6' inline fan exhausting air out of the closet with 2 small clip-on fans or a 12" oscillating fan. Also do you think I could possibly fit 4 plants (1 per square ft) for maximum yield or would it be too tight? Would scrog help in that case or should I just do 2-3 pants?
  2. I don't SOG OR SCROG...yet. But on a standard grow that's a one plant tent. You can top or train to fill that space very well. Two will crowd up very quickly. 24x24 is space for one standard grow. :(

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  3. In a 5 gallon pot I presume? I figured 4 would be pushing it but wanted see if it was possible in this case. I think I'll try squeezing 2. In best possible conditions could my plants yield up to 200 grams each?
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  4. #4 mook2707, Apr 18, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    Well, I'm not hitting 200Gs. I'm averaging 3.5 Oz per in a crowded 40x40, but top quality buds. Just finished my first indoor, but I've researched endlessly. Nobody wants to hinge a yield on a single tree, but I still think you're better off maxing out one plant. It's worth waiting for some input from folks using a similar space to what you have.

    That said, anything from a 3-5 gal would be fine depending on how you work/train it, but keep in mind you have height restrictions as well.

    In a 3 gal I get about 3' tall. Take into consideration your ceiling and how your lights are hung.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  5. 3.5 oz per is still very nice yield, I assume different strains effect the yield a bit too? I did some research and did see another thread talking about how many plants to fit in a 2x2 and he ended up going with 2 plants, no follow up though. I'll most likely start with one and see how that goes, then maybe attempt squeezing 2 if it looks like my strain is on the small side.

    Same here, hoping it pays off for my first as well. Do you have any pictures or journals on your grow?
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  6. Strain matters. I got those 3.5s from two white widows. I have a high yield northern lights which just may drop a QP on it's own. Below is the ww, post harvest. Then my tent with the late WWs, my NL and a blueberry.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  7. The buds back left and right are just barely smaller than an open hand. It's worth dropping a request in that thread you mentioned asking for an update!

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  8. Oh mama! those are some nice looking buds. That's your first grow? congrats! What kind of light are you using? I'm picking up some fem White Widow seeds too, fem AK-47 and fem Cheese. Where did you get your White Widow seeds or clone from?
  9. Thanks! I had two outdoors under my belt first, but yeah...first indo. I started with a 400 HID and added a 300 LED halfway through veg for coverage. It's funny. Everyone's worried about loupes and trichomes, but just from that pic I can see the NLs are ready to come down this AM. At least the top buds. Glad we talked or I might have missed it!
    Guess I'll be drinking and trimming today!

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  10. It's really up to you to decide on how your going to set up the tent. If you have the time, a 1 or 2 plant scrog would yield better than than throwing 4 plants into smaller containers. Though the 4 plant setup would give a quicker harvest since there is less veg time. Do it one way for this run and the other on the next and see what you prefer.
    For your heat concerns, it's great you have an adjustable ballast. I run about 300 watts (LED) in a similiar sized footprint as yours all year long. Thats veg and flower. The yields are ok, but something like 400-500 watts would really rock in a space that size.
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  11. Mook, that sounds a lot like my trimming routine. Lol, I'm chopping some bud down Wednesday :weed:
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  12. [​IMG]

    Round one. There's about 2x this much on one plant that needs another 5 days.
    Bottom line is you can do it. By the end of the week I'll have just under a lb in dry/cure. Not only is that bloody awesome, the journey was a delight as well. After 6 mos of research there's already 100 things I'll rethink for round two indo. Germing pineapple and strwb kush, super silver and amnesia hazes, cookies and some old fashioned mexican sativa for my older patients. It's a budgasm.
    Don't over think it.
    Maximize your space.
    Be mindful but not worrysome.
    Have fun!

    P.S. Your 600 may toast up your space. Consider a smaller lamp or if it is adjustable run it a hair low.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  13. Well said!

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
  14. Veg 2 plants, keep your best and flower.

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  15. It will be too hot for a 600w. I have a 2x2 and hate it. I will move soon and have more room to get a 4x4. In the mean time I just grow outside.

    Sade's outdoor Bigfoot territory grow
  16. I got a 2*2*4 and just running a mars700 was hot. Wouldnt even think about a 600w hps. Im about to do a run and im putting 4 1gals and 2 3gals. Theres space for 3 3gals and thats accounting for my osc fan
    But its gonna be tight

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  17. I think between 2-4 depending on how long you plan on vegging...For prospective here's my 3x3 veg tent 600w mh, plants are in 5 gallon pots atm.[​IMG]
  18. 600w hps excellent, 2x2 tent bad, just ditch the tent and grow autos
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  19. Good job. You're in business now. The yellow plants need to be flushed. Figure out the deficiency then give it the proper nute balance

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  20. Did 4 plants in a 2x2 under a MarsII 400w(. 180 actual) 4 plants 224g total , way to many plants, was a pain in the balls , but it worked. As far as keeping a 600w in check in a 2x2 meh, I say try it, as long as your ventilation is good and you could always dim it down right
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