So currently I’m running a nice 600 Watt king Led, though it’s bright, runs smooth, and rather cool, I don’t have a lumen tester, but I know it’s not putting out that much, and besides that I got kinda excited when I saw the reviews, price and that it had everything I needed. Purchased it without thinking about light coverage, and how big my grow box actually is and how light hungry cannabis can be, If I want big buds basically if we’re speaking coverage, I can have one half of my grow box completely lit, while the other half is dim. So currently I have two 100 watt CFLs to try and stabilize things on the other side, I know it’s not the same as if it were another led, but it’s helping the best it can, but my question is if I were to just go for a whole new light setup because I can just use this led for my seedlings, what would be the best 1000 watt led for a 5 x 3 grow box in terms of brightness, coverage, heat, not a fortune and can yield around an Hp. If anyone has any suggestions from past Leds they’ve used please! give me any lights that have yielded massively light coverage as well as yield are most important aspects for me, thanks in advance to whoever has any ideas Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
You only need 30 to 40 watts per square foot of this kind of lighting these boards can be run at 70 or 75 watts each there are 4 in a pack for around 300 watts. I linked you to these mainly because your post says grow box these run very cool and are a good inexpensive option for high quality LEDs. I also think you are not understanding the ratings of your lights . For example your king led 600watt is actually a 120 watt light. No way you can put 1000 true watts of led in your space. Don't feel bad most of us have a similar light under the bed or put away some where. They are good veg lights though
With quantum boards you only need between 450-600watts max for a 15sqf area (between 30-40 watts/sqf). Any more than that and you will need to supplement with CO2 or you are just wasting light. 3x5 might be a bit challenging to get perfect coverage though. I would go with one of these boards: QB96 Elite V2 Engine these are rated for 2x2 for flowering but I think they will be ok with 2.5' width, so I think two of them would be sufficient, although you might want to get three for even better coverage. You can look at the HLG page I linked above for recommended power supplies depending on how many you want to use. Another option would be these boards: QB288 V2 Rspec Quantum Board These can handle about 2x2.5 area for flower, so three for your space. If you run them at 75watts or more you will need to get heatsinks for them (they have them on the HLG website) OR you can get four boards and run them just under 75watts each (say 70x4 = 280Watts) and then you can run them without heatsinks. Edit: actually never mind you need 600watts so you cant do 4 without heatsinks.
They all have settings to lower wattage specifically? And if we’re speaking heat aside between all the ones you guys just told me watt brings in the biggest yield price in mind still? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
And basically what your saying all leds that say 600 Watts aren’t? Where can I find out the true rating of watts in an led lighting bc this light really made in convincing it was putting out that much Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
This is from the Amazon description of your light. The 120watt is the true wattage of your light. Can't get 600watts of quality LEDs for $85
Are we talking about a tent or a cabinet? It's 3×5 × ? What's the other number Cause I'm picturing a 3' wide by 5' tall box Maybe 24" deep??
it is a 5 ft tall 5 ft long and 3 ft wide grow box and damn idk how I missed that lol Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Wattage will depend on the power supply you buy for your boards. For max yield in your space without CO2 you want 600watts of power, so an HLG-600h-54a (600watts) or two HLG-320h-54 (320watts each) power supplies should get you that. These power drivers can also be dimmed to use less power if needed.
What’s a power driver? And in terms of yield and best light coverage what would be more beneficial two HLG-320h lights? Or just a single HLG-600h? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
If I’m using my noodle right it be better for two 320h lights instead of just one 600h because no matter how powerful the light 2 is always better at covering the area? Or am I wrong? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
A driver is just another name for a power supply. the HLG-320 and HLG-600 are the drivers (power supply). If you get the 320 you can hook up two boards to it so you need two of them to power 4 boards. The HLG-600 can drive 4 boards by itself so you only need one. The end result either way will be similar.
So if I go with the 4 panel setup I should just get the HLG-600 driver? Also I see on the site even though I get 4 panels there kinda small would just the 4 pk be enough? or I should get 2? or am I underestimating how powerful 4 panels would be to cover my 5x3? Thank you so much btw Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
You can power four boards with either one 600w driver OR two 320w drivers. Four boards will be sufficient to cover a 3x5