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*$5 glass sherlock.*

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ripdatshit, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. hey gc check this out! i was walkin around my lhs the other day and found this for $5!!! it is a little on the thin side, but for the price its bad ass! its a crazy color changer, it was a milky yellow when i got it.
  2. Nice have fun rippin dat shit.
  3. wow, sick pipe and great price!

    You should clean it out 100% with iso alcohol.
  4. nice find man!
  5. Hell yeah man, how does it hit?
  6. hell yeah bro. it rips, and its not a point that it needs a cleaning yet.:smoking:
  7. For 5 bucks really?
  8. Nice bargin! But i would've cleaned it before i even used never know what kinda crap, dust and lint has gathered in it before you bought it!

    But again, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! :D
  9. yeah man. i was surprised, there were only 3 left so i had to grab one. they mustve been just trying to get rid of them.
  10. Pretty good find. I need to check up on the headshops here (couple of them within walking distance) and see if they have any there for under $15
  11. Why would you need to clean it if he bought it from a headshop? they dont keep dust and lint in theyre glass

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