420th post...

Discussion in 'General' started by illadelphin, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. This being my 420th post, and me being stooooooned... got me thinking..

    why is there still poverty and suffering in the world (im in a 'hippie' mood) when we can live comfortably and do as we wish? why why why why? it makes me so sad to think that i can eat, sleep and smoke in comfort when 7/8 of the world doesnt even have running water or a reliable food source..


  2. I suspect that if the entire world were to live and act as we "westernized" people do, the
    earth would be drained of its resources quite rapidly. Not that it isnt happening already..

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  3. There's an old saying. "Without no evil, there would be no good."
  4. i agree with you both. im not saying that the rest of the third world should be 'westernized', i just wish there was a way to make their lives better by allowing them to eat more than once a week.. ya know? if all 6.8 (?) billion people on this earth lived as we do in the USA, not only would we create a slew of egotistical and materialistic douchebags, but we would deplete our resources VERY fast.
  5. 420, dude ya go man, driver like ya own her :D
  6. i have this strange feeling you might be really high... :rolleyes:
  7. I don't tend to feel bad for third world countries because in the beginning we were all working with the same tools.

    2 arms, 2 legs, 1 head and a brain (hopefully). After that it's off to the races and we see where some of them ended up :rolleyes:.

    True, the kids of today are not to blame for their circumstance, but that's not to say someone isn't accountable for their situation.
  8. right, well most countries DO have the resources to feed their citizens and provide basic necessities; however, it is the people running said countries creating the problems. once the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
  9. Not disagreeing with you at all on that one, but I should point out, there is no money to be made from love.
  10. hahaha i know that... but the practice could make their lives that much better..

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