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420 - The Origins

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by THCMaksMeHungry, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Ok I know what 420 is all about, and all that shit, but why 420? Why that specific date? I've heard its because of a specific time of day for stoners, i heard because of a specific date in history, even cause its what police would say if they encountered weed, like "We got a 420 on 52nd St" or some shit. Who knows? Why the time, why the date?
  2. secret lexicon, get with it son!
  3. Someone was trying to tell me it was because Hitlers birthday is April 20th but I didn't buy it.
  4. Hitlers birthday is april 20th but thats just total coincidence
  5. so was columbine!

    It was some shit with these kids that would smoke after school everyday at 4 20 in front of some statue. dont remember completely
  6. The Wiki is cool but some of the other references to Hitler's birthday and such are just funny to hear. I heard once that John Lennon started it. I also heard that it came from testers smoking pot who had to hit the joint for 4 seconds then hold the hit for 20 seconds. That is still hard for me to do. I also heard that the testers really wanted a 5 second hit so it really should have been 5/20 ;). Anyway Wiki is probably correct. But anyone heard any other funny theories.
  7. I heard it was bob marleys birthday
  8. That sounds cool too. But his birthday is in February.

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