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420 in DC

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by 420 in DC, May 25, 2010.

  1. We have been arrested, jailed, fined, beaten and had our property taken from us. Now is the time we stand up and make our voices heard! Show your support by joining our peaceful rally in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, 4/20/2011. Whether you are for the legalization of medical marijuana or for the total legalization of marijuana, we need your support.

    "Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The Valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone. - " - Mahatma Gandhi

    We need the politicians to CHANGE THE FEDERAL LAWS. It takes an act of Congress to change the law. We need everyone to write to your Senators, Representatives and the Whitehouse. Let them know where you stand and ask them what their position is on legalizing marijuana. Election time is just around the corner. Ask questions and vote for the people that share your view.

    420 in DC has been in existence for a week now. As of yesterday, there are 157 people that have signed up to be at the rally in DC next April. I know that April is a long way off, but it comes up faster then you think. If you plan on attending, please sign up soon so we know what type of permits we need to get. This rally is aimed at National legalization of medical marijuana. That will be the first step to complete legalization of marijuana. But none of it will be accomplished without your help.

    To sign up, just send an email to with your first name and what state you are coming from. We don't need any personal information. This will just help give us an estimated number of how many people will be there.
  2. Here is an update on the 420 in DC rally.

    We just heard back from Jessica Corry. Her and her husband Robert Corry will be speakers at the event.

    Jessica Corry is a self-described conservative Republican mother and activist, attorney Jessica Corry would seem to be a perfect fit for a Tea Party rally, a card-carrying member of the “Sarah Palin 2012” fan club. She is for the end of the prohibition of marijuana.
  3. #3 420 in DC, May 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2010
    Jessica Corry is a Denver-based attorney, public policy analyst, and influential political strategist. She is the leading voice for conservatives against marijuana prohibition and is one of the most high profile activists in the state. On a national level, Corry has been publicly advocating marijuana law reform and has been quoted or featured in several media-related pieces. This includes appearances onand a featured in a Washington Post editorial, "Reefer sanity: The marijuana lobby goes mainstream," written by fellow charter member of the NORML Women’s Alliance, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker. Corry is a Republican mother of two young children who believes that marijuana prohibition is a violation of states rights and undermines the American family. She is also a regular blogger on the Huffington Post and was chosen as one of Colorado’s top political “Movers and Shakers” by the Colorado Statesman.

    Robert J. Corry, Jr. is a Denver-based civil rights and criminal defense attorney who has successfully litigated several high profile cases around the country. He is admitted to the bars of Colorado, California, and Washington, D.C., federal courts in these jurisdictions, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Named one of America’s top 40 lawyers under age 40 by the National Law Journal, Mr. Corry specializes in criminal defense and medical marijuana. He is the 2008 recipient of the SAFER/Sensible Colorado “Friend of Reform” Award for his work and activities in support of marijuana legal reform. In 2007 and again in 2009, Mr. Corry was instrumental in successful hearings and litigation to defeat proposals that would have limited patient access to medical marijuana. He has obtained a number of “not guilty” verdicts and dismissals in criminal prosecutions involving marijuana, and has obtained his clients’ medical marijuana back from police after seizure. He currently represents and consults with a number of dispensaries and caregivers involved with medical marijuana.
    In 2008, Mr. Corry was part of a legal team that successfully represented protestors at the 2008 Denver Democratic National Convention. In addition, Mr. Corry is a staunch advocate of protecting voter initiative rights. In 2008, he was a spokesman for the successful campaign to defeat Referendum O, a Colorado legislative proposal that sought to gut the ability of grassroots activists to amend state law through the initiative process. For this advocacy, he was awarded the John Lilburne Award from the Citizens in Charge Foundation in Washington, D.C.
  4. Its funny because people here seem to post about a rally in DC every few days and I never hear about it on the news. You'd think this kinda thing would be on the news, but it seems like the actual rally never happens. BTW i live in the DC area so I get the local DC news.
  5. We haven't contacted any press yet. We are still trying to line up speakers and see how many people are going to show up. April 4th is still a long way away. The idea for this rally was only started 2 weeks ago. It is still in it's infancy and way too early to notify any press. As it gets closer, we will be notifying local and national press. Whether or not they print anything, is up to them.
  6. I think that if it occurred during summer (when most college students are doing nothing and parents don't have to worry about their kid's schooling), D.C. rallies would get more attendants.

    I know I don't mind driving up for a weekend just to hang out with like-minded people in the front lawn of some important historical site. Sounds awesome. But during Spring semester, it's a bitch to do.
  7. I guarantee you'll get way more people if you do this in the summer.

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