420 Celebrations: Chants and Slogans

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Gemstoner, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. In preparation for our favorite holiday, maybe people would share chants and slogans. Here is a collection I started last year:
    1 2 3 4, we don't need no drug war
    \nAll we are saying, is give pot a chance
    \nFuck oncologists, death for sure, what we want is a cancer cure
    \nFuck the cops, we don't need 'em, what we want is total freedom
    \nHey hey AMA [FDA], how many patients have you killed today?
    \nHey hey DEA, how many homes have you seized today?
    \nHey hey ho ho, prohibition has got to go
    \nThe potheads, united, will never be defeated
    \nWe're here, we're high, get used to it
    \nWe shall overthrow, we shall overgrow
    \nWe smoke pot, and we like it a lot!
    \nWe've got pot pride, we're here to turn the tide
    Cannabis: Gateway to Health
    \nCannabis prohibition promotes alcohol use
    \nDare to legalize
    \nDare to resist drug war lies and propaganda
    \nDEA = Death Enthusiastically Administered
    \nDon't be shy, let's get high
    \nEnding marijuana prohibition is NORML
    \nFight Mexico's cartels: Make weed legal
    \nFree the Weed
    \nGrow Hemp - Heal the Planet
    \nIf we all had a bong, we'd all get along
    \nIt's high time to end cannabis prohibition
    \nJust say why not?
    \nLawmakers: Do your homework!
    \nLegalization = Regulation & Control
    \nLet my people grow
    \nMan made liquor, God made pot, weed is illegal, liquor is not
    \nMedical Marijuana: Gotta Have it!
    \nNarco-wars! = Harm Reduction
    \nNo prison for pot
    \nOut of the closets, and into the coffeehouses
    \nPot prisoners are political prisoners
    \nPot for Peace… Peace for Pot
    \nProhibition didn't work for alcohol, either
    \nRelax it and tax it
    \nRe-Legalize It
    \nSafer than Alcohol, Tobacco, or Firearms
    \nSafer than Ketchup
    \nSo much for consent of the governed
    \nStop wasting our tax dollars
    \nSupport prisoners of weed
    \nSWAT = Silly Wimps Acting Tactical (or in AU, Sociopathic Wankers Acting Tactical)
    \nTax me for a couple thousand or jail me for forty
    \nTested and approved by millions, but not by the FDA
    \nThink of the children: Dealers don't card
    \nYou can't spell healthcare without thc
    \nWeed: Why not End Economic Depression
    \nWe declare a drug peace
    \nWe smoke weed and we aren't criminals
    \nWho am I hurting?
    \nYes we cannabis!


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